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Alex awoke with a blissful, long stretch of his body after spending the night in his bed for the first time in a fortnight. Their bed, he smiled to himself, as memories of last night with Callie now popped into his head. None of the window coverings were opened. No one could enter their room unannounced which is exactly how he wanted it. He purposely barred both doors to their private chambers last night to ensure them total privacy. Without the sun in the windows, he didn't have a clue to the hour of day and he smiled wider knowing it didn't matter right at this minute. He knew that Malcolm and Glenna would keep an eye on things to give him a few days alone with his bride. As long as his bride was acting so agreeable to their lovemaking, he didn't care if they stayed in bed until winter solstice passed.

Why did he never want to marry before now? The thought hadn't fully turned in his head before he knew that Callie was the only possible answer. No other lass caught his attention long enough for him to bother courting them and he knew no other one would in future. No matter what happened, he'd forever compare every lass to her and they'd all come up sorely lacking. That realization jarred him upright to gaze upon her sleeping form, as she laid facing towards him. She sighed contentedly, then nuzzled towards him in her sleep. As Alex delicately traced a hand over her brow, his fingers following the line down her cheek to her mouth.

She murmured then, sighing his name, and making him want to kiss her awake and his body stirred from desire to make love with her again even though he'd done it countless times in recent memory. He watched Callie for a moment longer, then made a snap decision. He left her to sleep knowing she didn't always rest as well as she was currently doing. He hurriedly threw a plaid over himself, stirred the fire back into life and added a few more logs in an attempt to warm the room, and then quietly opened the doors. He ducked out to speak with the young guard on duty, Ewan, to organise some food and drink for them. He was nearly done speaking with Ewan about plans to break their fast when he suddenly heard a piercing shriek coming from inside his chamber. He new it must be Callie, causing him to race back down the hall and burst inside their room. Alex found her tossing and turning on the bed, still asleep but screaming out his name in terror. Her bloodcurdling screams tore at his heart.

"Shit! Callie, wake up! I'm here!" Alex grasped her by the shoulders. She awoke with a shocked look.

"Alex, you're okay. Thank God." Callie breathed out a sigh of relief, sagging against his bare chest. Shivering, she hugged his trim waist now in a vice grip before she admitted. "It was horrible! I was terribly frightened."

"It's all right, lass. I'm here. It'll take you some time to get past the attack, love. Right now, it's still fresh in your mind, but time will help with it. That's all you need, I promise." He tenderly kissed her brow, holding her closely to his bare chest. Her heart was still racing, so he whispered. "I'm sorry I left you alone for a minute. I just..."

"Laird, is everything all right?" Ewan's voice politely interrupted Alex, as he was calling out respectfully from the other side of the opened doors to their chamber.

Although he was one of the younger warriors, Ewan was still wise enough to not barge into his newly wedded laird's bedchamber without an invitation. Any man who happened to glance at his mistress in any state of undress would surely not draw breath long on this earth after such a moment given Laird Campbell's possessive streak where his wife was concerned.

"Aye, Ewan. We're both fine, thank you." He hugged her briefly before letting go to walk over to the half-opened doors. "If you can please organise what we discussed, I think that it would help."

"Yes, laird." Ewan answered before his steps could be heard moving away from the room.

"Just a second, love." Alex said to her before letting go to stand up. Callie watched him with keen interest, as Alex closed the double doors by himself without barring them. She wondered why he left them unlocked, since he locked them to give them privacy the night before. Alex returned to sit on the large bed at her side, drawing her chilled form back into his warm embrace making her sigh with a newfound contentment. There was a level of peace and comfort in his embrace that she never previously experienced in her young life. She could have felt it with her parents when they were still alive; however, she didn't remember that feeling being the same. It continued to amaze Callie how Alex seemed to know exactly when she needed his touch the most. It felt as though he could sense it from her, so he always knew when to offer it.

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