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Alex practically sprinted up the rest of the stairs to their rooms. He slammed their door and bolted it before tossing her onto the bed. He paced the room, not speaking for a good minute. Callie could tell if his anger neared the boiling point, as a vein at his temple appeared. Now, it nearly popped out at her, as she moved to a seated position on the bed to watch what he'd do. Even if he wasn't this annoyed, there was no turning back for her. All of the reasons for interrupting him while training with his men were still valid in her mind.

"Alex..." She began calmly.

"Nay!" He cut her off with a hearty shout. "You willna speak until I give ye leave to do so. How dare you challenge me in front of my men? My own men, Callie! Did you not think how it looks!?"

In truth, she hadn't. Not having memories of her own parents fighting, she had no measure to gauge how a fight with Alex should play out, particularly one in such a public setting. To think she disappointed him in front of his warriors was not a feeling she welcomed. She bit her lip to prevent any tears from falling, as she merely shook her head in reply, looking down in her lap.

Seeing her struggle with keeping her emotions in check caused him to draw a shaky breath of his own. It suddenly dawned on him now remembering she lost her parents too young to likely see them arguing with each other much. He supposed Hamish and his wife would not have interacted with each other often given what she'd told him about their relationship. Hamish wasn't the type of man to allow his wife to argue with him. Anyway, she wouldn't have thought to model herself on them, as she'd never received love from them. He now realised that her intentions couldn't have been to publicly nettle him. Alex was used to it from his siblings and expected her to use the same, childish way to get his attention.

He sat gingerly beside her on the bed, taking a light hold of her wrist when she began to back away. Her eyes were wide and fearful making the sensation hit him like a stone in the gut. He had scared her with his shouting. It wasn't a good feeling. He started. "Callie..."

"I'm sorry, Alex. I willna do it again. I swear I won't!" Her voice was rather panicked, as her eyes darted around. "You dinna need to skelp me!"

His cobalt blue eyes searched her green ones for truth, as hers away gave her emotions. "Is that what you truly think of me? Callie, no, God damn it!"

Her hand went to her mouth, as she choked back a sob. "You've got the right to do it. I know you do, but..."

He pulled her into his embrace, tucking her head into his chest. "I told ye that'd never happen to you here. By. God, I meant it. Did you not believe me?"

"I wanted to believe you." She shook her head slowly, admitting. "But, I'm just not used to men keeping their word."

He lightly teased her. "Well, I hope this will conclude that lesson."

She chanced a look at Alex, surprised to find him smiling down at her, she conceded with a sigh of relief. "Aye, for you. it does."

"Fair enough." He carefully brushed off errant tears resting on her cheeks. "Now that we're agreed, love. I've got to return to my men."

He kissed her again, soundly this time with a smile on his face, then stood up to leave. She smiled warmly in return. "You'll say to Glenna I'm back working on your way out the main hall."

Alex paused, his broad back to her with his hands on hips. He sighed. "No, Callie, I won't."

"What? Why ever not?!" She ground out with a stomp of her foot, fully exasperated. "You've got to be taking the piss! What do you expect me to do all day?"

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