Chapter Thirty Six- Closure

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~Moriarty's PV~

"You son of a bitch", I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Ah, so that was what it took to make you lose your sense of humour and have a temper", Aaron smiled with amusement, "Listen to me. You're going to be gone soon, as you already knew. And then Claire's going to die! But after a few months of fun. But you have nothing to worry about. You'll be dead!"

I tried to hide my anger but that clearly wasn't working.

"Do you know what my dad used to tell me?" Aaron asked, "He always used to say "Kill the people you dislike, torture the people you hate". That was the one piece of advice I actually took from him".

"Well, he sounds like a..." I paused, a tight and worrying feeling starting to rise up in my chest.

-15 Years Ago-

"Dad, the moving van is here", I informed him sadly.

He approached me solemnly and squeezed both of my shoulder with his scarred and bloody hands.

"Your mum would be so proud of you", he spoke, "Carrying on our name, not abandoning the business. Unlike the other one".

"Who is the other one?" I asked curiously, after hearing this phrase a few times by now.

"Just someone who brought us shame and embarrassment", Dad avoided eye contact, "That's all you need to know".

I nodded, clearly understanding that it was a sensitive topic.

"Bye, Dad", I smiled slightly and he brought me into a tight hug.

When he let go, I turned around and opened to door to leave.


I looked back at Dad expectantly.

"Remember what I always tell you", he reminded me, with a cold smirk, "Kill the ones you dislike. Torture the ones you hate".

* * *

Aaron watched me with suspicion when I froze mid-sentence.

"Have you suddenly become shy?" Aaron sniggered.

"The other one", I whispered with disbelief.

"What?" Aaron asked.

"What was your dad's name?" I questioned hurriedly.

"Why does that matter?"

"JUST. TELL. ME", I shouted impatiently.

"Anthony", Aaron answered, "Anthony Morgans".

Anthony Morgans. That was my dad's name.

"No", I shook my head, "No, this can't be happening".

"What are you on about?" Aaron asked.

"It can't be you. Anyone but you!"

"Fucking tell me what it is before I kill you".

"You're my half-brother", I looked up at him with disgust and horror.

He started laughing with genuine amusement.

"You must really be desperate to escape", Aaron laughed harder.

"It's true", I snapped.

"You'd say anything to be freed", Aaron stared coldly at me, yet he was still laughing, "I just thought you'd have something more intelligent than that".

"My dad has a tattoo on his shoulder that says Jeanette", I told him quickly.

Aaron stopped laughing and he darted his eyes towards me.

"How did you know that?" Aaron asked with all seriousness.

"Because that's the name of my mother", I replied.

I watched his face turn from arrogance to realisation. To my surprise, he smiled.

"You're James", he nodded, taking it all in, "The perfect son that he always spoke about".

"Yes", I sighed with agony, "So, can you just kill me now? I don't want to live another second knowing that I'm related to you, you pathetic piece of shit".

He ignored the last part.

"Kill you?" Aaron laughed as if I had just suggested something ridiculous, "You're my brother".

"Half-brother", I corrected him painfully.

"I cannot harm you now", he muttered, quickly untying me free, "James, no matter how much shit you've caused for me with Claire, you are now my family".

I squinted at him as if he was crazy and stood up freely with disbelief. He had just freed me from death. After everything I had done, he still let me go because he found out that we were related. He untied me because we were family. All of this just made me feel so.......bloodthirsty.

With the rope he previously used to tie me up, in one fluent motion, I wrapped it around his neck and turned him around so that his back was to me. I pulled the rope closer towards me until the back of his red, suffocating face was inches away from mine. I leant forward to speak next to his ear. I wanted to be the last thing he heard. I wanted him to suffer.

"We are not family", I spoke through gritted teeth with struggling moans from him in the background. I pulled the rope tighter, "My dad was right about you. You are a shame and embarrassment. Claire has always been too good for you".

And, with that, I felt pressure being pulled on the rope and I watched him fall on the floor harshly. Aaron Samuels was dead.

I smiled.

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