Chapter Thirteen- It's Official

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I was nicely woken up by warm arms being wrapped around my body.

"Good morning, angel", that familiar dark, Irish accent spoke.

"Morning", I yawned, opening my eyes to see Jim laying next to me in bed, "What are you doing here?"

"I woke up and felt lonely without you", Jim smiled and gently kissed my forehead, "Plus, I desperately needed to ask you an important question".

"Go ahead", I looked up at him.

"Are we in a relationship now?" Jim asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Depends", I shrugged, "Do you want to be in a relationship?"

"I know I do", Jim nodded, "But do you?"

I thought about it for a while. This man practically saved my life by taking me to hospital and he's been nothing but lovely to me. He's protecting me from Aaron so he obviously genuinely cares. And that kiss last night was just amazing. I definitely felt something.

"I think I do", I smiled.

"Oh, thank God", Jim let out an enormous sigh of relief, hugging me tightly.

"Did you think I'd say no?" I asked with curiosity.

"Kind of", Jim admitted, "I still can't believe that you let me do that last night. Kiss you, I mean".

"Well, sometimes you can be very charming", I admitted, "Quite irresistible".

"Sometimes?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, and other times you're annoying as hell", I added.

We both laughed.

"Now I'm definitely not letting Aaron anywhere near you", Jim said whilst stroking my hair, "Which reminds me, maybe I should try and find him soon".

"No, Jim", I shook my head, "Please don't. You'll just get hurt".

"Look who suddenly cares about me", Jim smiled.

"I always cared about you", I whispered, "I just didn't know it then".

"You are adorable", Jim smirked at me, "It's so hard not to just-"

My phone began ringing, interrupting our conversation.

I sighed and went to answer it but Jim beat me to it.

"Hello?" Jim asked, "Claire's phone. Oh, it's you".

"What are you doing?" I mouthed.

"Well, she's busy at the moment with her boyfriend", Jim winked at me, "How serious is it? Ugh, fine. Just don't keep her too long or you'll have me to answer to. Okay, bye".

"Who was that?" I asked when Jim hung up the phone.

"Sherlock", Jim replied, "He says he wants to talk to you about something important".

"Oh, okay", I jumped up but Jim groaned with disappointment and pulled me back down.

"No, stay", Jim whined.

"You know I've got to go", I said to him.

"Wait, one more thing", Jim pointed out.

I looked at him expectantly. He leant in and kissed me passionately on the lips before I left.

I sighed happily when I shut the bedroom door behind me.

Okay, you've got to stop thinking about Jim for a while, I scolded myself, Now it's time to focus on what Sherlock wants.

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