Chapter Thirty Two- A Warning

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The car's door was already open in the back, as if it was a deathly invitation waiting to be answered. Hesitantly, I got into the backseat and shut the door. It immediately accelerated off to God knows where. I was alone in the back seats and there was a wall blocking my view to the driver. I debated whether to quickly text Jim but I was worried if it would put him in danger. Besides, I couldn't always rely on others. I had a feeling I'd be needing to get out of this one by myself.

After roughly fifteen minutes, the car came to a harsh stop and I almost hit my head on the chair in front of me. It was at this moment that I had only just realised I forgot my seatbelt. Well, I was being kidnapped; I wasn't really worrying about car safety, if I'm honest.

Waiting expectantly, I peered out of the window and wondered why nobody had opened my door yet. Then, I saw the driver open his and walk away. I was being kidnapped and the driver just carelessly left me? This didn't seem right. The door was probably locked anyway. It didn't hurt to try, however.

Praying that it would open, I cautiously put my hand on the car door. To my surprise, it opened! So, I could quite literally just walk free right now and this whole process would've been pointless.

With great satisfaction, I stepped out of the car and shut the door behind me. I was about to walk free until my eyes caught something which made me stop with anger.

The Diogenes Club

Mycroft. This was unbelievable. I knew he had a habit of mysteriously summoning John to him. But that wasn't something that could give someone a heart attack. He pretended to kidnap me! I wasn't happy.

I stormed into the huge building, completely forgetting the whole purpose of this 'club' which was my first mistake.

"MYCROFT!" I shouted as I frustratedly walked into a living room full of people.

A group of elderly men turned in shock to stare at me with a hint of misbelief and disgust. Oh, that's right. This was a place where it was deadly silent and you weren't allowed to make a single noise. Didn't someone once get thrown out of here for sneezing?

Before anyone could take me away, I quickly scuttled off towards the stairs and made my way up to Mycroft's office. I remembered the number because Sherlock had told me before. He wasn't the only one with a good memory.

Without knocking, I slammed Mycroft's office door open. He was drinking some sort of alcohol in the poshest glass I had ever seen. He didn't seem surprised by my fury. He simply greeted me with a kind hearted (which seemed to me as smug) smile and he gestured to the chair opposite his desk.

"Claire", Mycroft acknowledged, "Do sit down".

I shut the office door behind me and sat on the chair. He looked at me, a small smirk forming on his lips, and that was when I knew that he was deliberately trying to annoy me.

"What brings you here-"

"Shut up", I interrupted him, "You know what you did. You could've just texted me".

"Yes, well, there's no fun in that, isn't there?" Mycroft asked rhetorically and then he laughed slightly before shaking his head, "No, my sincerest apologies, Claire. This is actually important business. I need you to listen".

My anger suddenly vanished when I saw the genuine seriousness on his face.

"I'm listening", I slightly leaned forwards with intrigue.

"I need you to stay indoors for the next few days", Mycroft strangely said, "Anywhere, it doesn't matter. Stay at Sherlock's, stay at your old apartment, even remain staying at Moriarty's house if you have to".

"Right", I nodded with confusion, "But why?"

"Something big is coming, Claire", Mycroft spoke, his voice turning dark, "Usually, I wouldn't care about an average person's safety. But you mean a lot to Sherlock and I really need Sherlock to...well..."


"Just...oh, nothing".

"Mycroft, it's completely normal to want your brother to be happy", I smiled slightly at his embarrassment.

"Oh, please", Mycroft scoffed, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, "I don't care about his happiness. I just...I just need him for government help, that's all, of course".

"I believe you", I raised my eyebrows sarcastically, "Okay, I'll stay indoors".

"Do you promise?" Mycroft looked at me seriously.


"No, Claire, listen", Mycroft interrupted, "This is very important and I need to know that you'll be safe over the next few days. Promise me that you will stay indoors, no matter what happens".

I sighed deeply.

"Fine, I promise", I gave in.

"Good", Mycroft exhaled with relief, "Okay, leave now".

"How polite", I muttered to myself as I walked out of his office.

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