Twin Drama (22) (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

I leant down towards her so that our lips were inches apart, "I want you to beg"

She looked at me shocked before composing herself and smirking, "You're going to have a long wait"

I smirked back at her, "I have all day but trust me, you'll be begging for me sooner than you think"

I kissed her neck and when I came to kiss over her mark she growled which just made me smile before I slowly ran my tongue over it which made her moan and press her body against mine. While I continued to kiss over her mark, I started to run my hands up and down her body,

"Ali please"

I growled in approval before looking up into her eyes, "Tell me what you want"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I refuse to give in"

"As you wish"

I slowly lifted her top over her head and when she went to reach for mine I pulled back,

"That's not how this works Anastasia, you'll be begging for me not the other way around"

She whimpered so I resumed in kissing her mark and running a hand over her stomach gently while my other hand was keeping me hovering over her,

"Just give in baby"

She shook her head stubbornly so I let my canines elongate before I gently bit down on her mark which made her let out a moan,


I removed my teeth and gently licked over the bite, "Say it Anna, what do you want?"

"Don't make me say it"

I gripped her waist and looked down at her, "Say it"

"I-I want you to make love to me, passionately, without holding back"

"First of all, tell me who you belong to"

"Ali please" She grabbed my shirt and pulled me down towards her, "I gave you what you want now give me what I want"

"Who do you belong to?"

"You" She whispered but I wanted her to say it louder,

"I can't hear you. Who do you belong to?"

She growled, "You! I belong to you! Now give me what I want!"

"Whatever you want baby"

I pressed my lips to hers and it didn't take long for me to give her exactly what she wanted and more and from her response, she was satisfied.

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