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Yuri's pov

I'm now here at the parking lot of the mall. I've managed to come all the way here without people recognizing me.

I'm still thinking about what happen earlier.

SERIOUSLY? She really don't know me? I guess I'm not really popular at all. I removed my scarf in disbelief while making my way to the car.

"Hey I'snt that the actress Kwon Yuri?" A girl said while looking at me.

I just smile at them before I get into my car.

See? Not popular? People can even recognize me with just a blink of an eye but this strange girl didn't?
What planet did she come from?
Really Strange!

Jessica's pov

I was driving my way back to office with Tiffany.
I stopped because of the red light
I looked outside the car and something caught my eye.

A poster.

I've seen that face before but where?
I read the description of the poster.

"Kwon Yuri" Ahh maybe just a random model girl


"Huh Nevermind what?" I heard Tiffany says.

"Ahh nothing Tiff."

Taeyeon's pov

The filming schedule for today was finished earlier than the expected time.

"Gosh I'm tired" I mumbled.

"It's a wrap. You did great today Taeyeon-ah. Well your always good. See you tomorrow"

"Thank you Director-nim."

Since my work is finished I decided to call Tiffany


"Oh hi Taetae"

"Fany Are you finished with your work?"

"Not yet but I think I'll be finished within half an hour."

"Okay. I'll pick you up."

" No need Tae. I know your Tired I can take a cab from here."

"No. I'll be there in half an hour. Byee"

I hung up on her before she could complain.

Tiffany's pov


Taeyeon hung up on me before I could reject her offer.

I know she's busy and I don't wanna bother her. Although I wan't her to do this all the time but I can't be selfish.

30 minutes passed and it's time to go home.

"Hey jess. Not going home?" I said to my bestfriend who is busy with paperworks.

"Uh no you go first I need to finish this." She said still looking at the papers

"Are you sure? You should rest you know and Stop being a workaholic."

"Yes I know that Tiff. Wait you didn't bring your car right? Do you want me to send you home?"

"No need Jess, Taeyeon told me that she will come to pick me up."

"Ohh I see maybe she really changed for the better."

"Yeahh I think so?"

"Well, You better find out yourself. "

Secretly Marriedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن