Who is she, Manik? Apart from Nandini Murthy?

Is she more than a Wife to you, like the person who can provide you comfort more than normal people can?

She could use you, Manik. You're fragile. She could break you so easily.

I need to protect you from her. To get her hands away from you, to restrain her from trapping you anytime soon.

But you have to wait for that, love. Just a tiny-weenie wait and then I can make you escape her cage.

Your friends are nice. They are healthy for you; I'd like them to be around you. But that girl, that girl is toxic. And I'll make sure she won't roam around you soon.

"Yes, Dhruv. I've reached. And again, it's okay if you couldn't accompany me. You already have that burden Nandini you gave for this project."

The chain of thoughts broke as I heard your voice, approaching closer to the place I'm hiding in.

"Yes, but it's kind of isolated. I mean, I hope you gave me the correct address for the meeting. And I'm calling from this Phone Booth near the apartment. I can't find my phone; it probably might be at home or something. What? The meeting's upstairs? Dhruv, I really think it's the wrong address. I mean, I don't see a single soul over here. I guess I need to go back--"

"Help! Somebody help!"

I smirked.

Your voice halted as you heard the screams.

"Anybody there? Com'ooon I can't die in a dungeon like this!"

The screams became more prominent as you started to recognize the familiarity of the voice and the direction of where it is coming from.

"Varun?" You mutter under your breath, your eyes turning worried, as cutting the call abruptly, you followed the source of the screams, moving upstairs.

"Goddamnit these roped are fucking irritating!"

I followed you swiftly as you went up, finding the way.

"Please, please! Let me out! You bitch! Let me fucking out!"

"Varun!" You shouted, but he can't hear you from far away. So you ran closer. And my smirk deepened.

"Help! Help! Somebody! Anybody! Please!"


"Yes! Yes! I'm here! I'm fucking here I'm-wait...Manik?"

There, you saw him. Tied brutally with ropes, skin pierced in most of the parts and bags under his crinkling eyes deeper than the black hole.

As soon as he saw you, the colours of his face faded away, as if he's seeing a ghost in you.

"hey." You murmur softly, coming closer to him with kindness flickering in your eyes. I can see, you heart is dropping while witnessing his condition. "It's okay. I'm here. You'll be free."

"No." He spat. "No. no. no. no. no." Struggling through the ropes, he curses repeatedly.

"What?" You are confused.

"Get the fuck out of here!" He screams, jolting violently, every part of his body signalling you to leave. "Manik, Leave! Right now! Right at this moment!"

"No." You replied firmly, trying to open the ropes. "Not without you."

"You idiot!" Varun cursed, "You bloody, fucking, piece of shitty shit! Can't you hear me? Leave this fucking place right now! It's a trap, it's a trap!"

He is chanting furiously, gawking at you with eyes full of warning.

"Are you crazy?" You ask, perplexed.

"Get the fuck out!"

But you didn't listen, finally untying his ropes; you didn't leave but freed him first.

That's where you lose, my sweetheart.

My courve of my lips widens in ecstacy.

"No." His voice is now low and defeated as he stares at you right in the eyes, sorrow flowing in them. "Why did you do that, you idiot?" His voice trembles.

"Stop hating on me, and let's leave." You mutter in a consoling manner.

"We can't." He breathes dejectedly.

"What do you mean we can't?"

"You didn't save me, you idiot. You caged yourself too. She got to you through me. She got both of us! "

"Who got both of us?"

He didn't reply. Just laughed in a sardonic tone.

"And what do you mean we can't leave? I know the entrance, let's--"

You look back, just to witness the shutters of every source of light close. Just the quite darkness lingering your surroundings, destroying every means of escape to the outside world.

Mananff - Iss Mohobbat MeinWhere stories live. Discover now