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As if on cue, Dean burst through the door, wielding a serrated blade and dripping in blood, "Leave the girl alone, both of you."


"Save it, Cas."

"Ahh, another Winchester. I assume the only way to get to Heaven for the two of you is to break in?"

"Gabriel let us in. But that doesn't matter." Dean moved closer, "Who are you? What do you want with Andie?"

Assyria grabbed me and held a knife to my throat, "Back up, Winchester, or she dies."

Dean stopped dead in his tracks, "Fine. Tell me who you are."

"Assyria. I run this place now."

She pressed the knife deeper into my skin, sending a drop of blood trickling down my neck. I whimpered as the metal stung my body.

She gave him a sinister look, "You obey me now."


So, that's the end of book 1! be on the look out for the next book, which should come soon. -Lucas

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