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"Do you realize you put all of us in danger, Andie?" Dean said angrily, as he began to pace.

Sam looked up from leaning his elbows on his knees, "Dean, she's a child."

"Damn right, Sam! Meaning she shouldn't be making this decision!" Dean turned on his heel and pointed at Cas, "You should've told me."

"Dean, you know I couldn't do that."

"Cas, you have to choose which side you're on: Ours, or theirs?"

The angel hung his head in shame and vanished, leaving nothing but air in his place.

Bobby, on the other side of the room, looked at Dean in confusion and surprise, "Boy, you've got some explainin' to do."

Dean turned to me, "Maybe you should ask my daughter. Andie, why would you do this?"

I didn't answer and Dean groaned and stormed out of the room, Bobby following closely behind him. Sam stood and started to leave, then met my eyes, "Don't worry, Andie. We're gonna figure this out. That Mark will come off your arm, if we have to kill people to get it off." I nodded and Sam exited quietly.

And that's the last I remember.

I must have blacked out afterwards...

But when I opened my eyes...

Twelve strangers were dead...and it was my fault.

Sorry, its really short. We're nearing the end of the book, and the sequel will be up soon after. When this book ends, keep an eye out for the Author's Note, letting you know when it's up!

Love you!

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