Dorm arrangements

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Elsa's P.O.V.

My wrist vibrated and I looked down to find my watch humming with an incoming call. As soon as I answered, Olaf's voice flowed through my earpiece. 

"Olaf, what's the news?" I asked as I placed a knife in both sides of my canvas boots. 

"Elsa. It has been arranged so that you are sharing a dorm with one of the guardian's members. There is a strong possibility that it may be Jack Frost."

"Great." I muttered, adjusting my braid. "How will I know it's him?"

"I've just sent you all the files we could access. Have you received them?"

I glanced down at my watch to find it humming once more. I tapped on the notification and a holographic file appeared. "I got it." I said.

"Good. Your mission is to get close to Hans Isles who has knowledge of Pitch Black and his whereabouts. Watch out, Hans is dangerous."

"Olaf, are you trying to tell me that someone is possibly more dangerous than I?" I teased. Olaf's cheery laugh was heard on the other end.

"Good luck Elsa."

"Thanks Olaf. We'll see you soon." I replied and the call was ended. The four of us exited the jet and was seated in a black jeep, driven by the pilot.I shared all the details of the plan with the girls.

"Woa. Elsa, this Frost guy's rankings are the exact same as yours. He seems really skilled." Anna fretted, examining Jack Frosts record and details.

"Please, Elsa could kick anyone's butt." Mer exaggerated. I couldn't help but smirk at that. 

"True. At least she gets to share a dorm with a guy." Punzie cried and all three of them giggled. I glared at them but not long after, I was smiling. 


Elsa dispersed towards her own dorm, but we kept our earpieces on just in case. 

"I wonder what will happen with Elsa?" Anna wondered. 

"She'll probably find any reason to beat the shizz out of him." I snorted.

"Yea, that sounds like her." Punzie laughed. Our dorm consisted of three bedrooms, each containing a wardrobe and bed.

"Ok, I'll set up the software." Punzie said. Out of the group, she was the tech angel. Anna and I unpacked our bags. We put away clothes, and separated our school related property. 

The other part of our luggage consisted of weapons and spy technology. This, we hid all over the dorm. We each kept a weapon on us at all times.

"Ok, I'm done with the software." Punzie exclaimed and we found her whole desk littered with multiple computer screens and keypads. Never in my training had I liked technology.


"Dudes, come check this out." Hiccup yelled. Eugene, Kristoff and I wondered over to where Hiccup was examining his computer screen. Eugene was loading a gun and Kristoff was adjusting his earpiece.

"North sent me these files. The Arendelle secret federal agency has also sent their best under covers to retrieve information from Hans." Hiccup explained.

"You've got to be kidding? The Arendelle org?" I asked. They were our rival organization. 

"Yea, and what's worse is that you're sharing a dorm with this chick." Hiccup said, opening a file of a girl my age with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Her rankings are crazy high. She's just as good as you Jack."

"First of all, no one is as  good as me. And secondly, if I'm going to share a dorm with her I'll need some info." I declared. I was the most skilled agent that the Guardian organization's ever encountered. That's what made me leader of our group.

"Can someone explain why Jack gets to share a dorm with her?" Flynn asked. I rolled my eyes as Hiccup handed me his laptop, showing valuable information on the girl.

Her  name was Elsa Winters, age 17, murdered parents, her sister's Anna Winters who's another member of their clan, top agent, high IQ, bad ass reputation. But what caught my attention the most was the part that stated: superhuman abilities.

"Hiccup, do you know what her ability is?" I asked.

"No, I couldn't access that information. This was the best I could master." He said. I sighed.

"Ok, I'm going. I'll see you guys in class. Keep an eye out for Hans." I said. Kristoff and Eugene nodded and I left their dorm. Now, it was time to meet this Elsa Chick.


I heard the dorm room open just as I slipped my gun under my desk in my dorm. A boy entered and that boy was Jack Frost. He was tall and slim with a muscular body, striking blue eyes and ruffled white hair.

"I guess you're my dorm partner."  I said.

"That'd be correct, agent Winters." He said. Shit, he knew who I was. I glared at him as he shut the door behind him, throwing his bag on the floor.

"Stay out of my way, Frost." I warned and headed over to the fridge. But he got there before me and grabbed the milk, taking big gulps straight from the carton.

"Obviously, we need to set some rules." I muttered.

"Ooh rules, how interesting." He said and I rolled my eyes. I already hated him.

"Rule number one, no drinking from the carton." I said, walking up and snatching the milk off him. He rolled his eyes and took his shirt off, throwing it to the floor. He had rippled abs and ripped muscles all over his arms and...ugh! What was I thinking?

"For a top agent, you're a pig." I muttered, throwing his shirt at him. 

"So, you've read my records then?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes. This was starting to become usual.

"The point is, stay out of my way. This is my mission." I glared at him.

"Whatever you say gorgeous."

"Ugh. Why are you so annoying?" I asked as he threw his shirt back on.

"Why are you so feisty?"

"I'm not feisty!"

"You kinda are. See you around gorgeous." He winked at me and left the dorm. I stood there, furious. I needed to punch something.

Hey, these first chapters aren't too good but I just want to say thx for taking time to read my story. Chapter 3 will be published very soon. Thx!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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