s e p t e m

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We all ended up getting drunk on the two large bottles of vodka Bradley had stolen from his old man. It was currently quarter past one in the morning and Bradley, Lorie, Nicole, Keanu, Martha and Corey were all sprawled out asleep on Martha's bedroom floor.

River and I sat on the top of the stairs; my head leant on his shoulder as he played with my hands. It was silent and perfect. I could hear River's breathing slow down as the time went by so slowly.

Before I knew it, River and I had fallen asleep on each other along with everyone else.


"Martha Marie Plimpton! What the hell is going on here?" Martha's father boomed over all eight of us, yanking is straight out of dream town and into reality.

"Oh my god" Martha groaned sitting up off of Bradley "Dad, I can explain it's not what you think-" Martha started but was quickly interrupted.

"Please tell me why I can see two bottles of vodka, a bottle of Chardonnay and four boys laying on your bedroom floor!" He shouted once more, the vein above his left eye pulsing. "Get out, all of you!"

All four boys along with Lorie, Nicole and I scrambled to collect our belongings and shot out of Marthas room, down the staircase before collecting our school stuff and running out of the door, making sure it to slam it.

"Oh shit, man!" Keanu laughed, out of breath.

"We've put her in some deep shit" Nicole paced, still on Martha's front lawn. We could still hear her father shouting at her.

"Fuck" Lorie sighed as she slumped down on the curb. "Our parents are gonna kill us, Keany"

"Nah I'll just say it was my idea, don't sweat it" he laughed a deep raspy laugh, sleep laced his vocal chords.

"I say we get breakfast?" Corey piped up, rubbing his eyes.

"Aw, man, I've gotta get home before my old man realises me and two bottles of vodka have gone. Keanu, Lorie? Wanna ride?" They nodded and waltzed down the street over to Bradley's pick up truck and set off.

"Nicole, River, Mona?" Corey trailed off.

"I will baby"

"Yeah me and Mona are probably just gonna go home, you too have fun though!" River laughed before taking my hand and leading me to the direction of our homes, leaving Corey and Nicole alone.

We walked in silence for a couple of blocks before my house came into view. He walked me up the gravel and right up to the porch. We stood in a long embrace, glad to be in each other's arms before River kissed me on the forehead and waved goodbye making his own way home.

Smiling, I unlocked my front door and stumbled up the winding staircase into my room, dumping all my stuff by the door.

I undressed quickly and hopped into the shower, allowing the hot water and suds run over my aching back. Who would've thought that sleeping on the floor would hurt so much? I step out of the shower, dry off, and throw on my robe before waltzing back into my room to see Alistair laying on my bed with his iPhone in his hand and a piece of burnt toast in his mouth.

"Jeez, Ally! You scared me. Haven't you heard of privacy? Get out of my room!" I jumped.

"Don't think I didn't just see you saunter up the driveway with that boy. He's bad news I'm telling you" he snorted, eyes still on his phone.

"You have to say, that you're my older brother. What're you doing back here anyway? Term doesn't finish for another four weeks?"

"That's nothing you need to worry about, just don't let this boy interfere with your life too much. This is the most important year of your life, kid. Don't screw this up." He said before grunting and lifting himself off the bed and walking out of my room. Leaving my door wide open.

"God, that was vague" I thought to myself before sitting down at my vanity to beginning my skin care. I lifted my phone off the table to see a few notifications from the girls' group chat, but nothing from Martha. I hope she's not in too much trouble.


Monday rolls around and Martha is still M. I. A. Apparently Lorie and Keanu attempted to go over to her house to check up on her but her father noticed Keanu's truck pull up outside and rung the police. She hasn't been answering her calls to her mobile or house phone, let alone the countless emails me and the girls have been sending her over the weekend. She must have well and truly fucked it.

"I should've just told you guys to go home, it's all my fault. I mean, she hasn't even turned up to school, you guys!" Lorie muttered, her fork playing around with a limp piece of iceberg lettuce in her salad.

"Lorie, man, you worry too much. She's probably just grounded. Her folks will get over it" Keanu reassures his sister from across the table. Unlike the rest of us, he was able to stomach his lunch, as few fries lay abandoned on his plate.

"I just don't know why she isn't in school though. I mean her father is strict, but he isn't stupid. He wouldn't let her miss school over it all" Nicole pondered, her hand running through Cory's hair.

"I don't know, you guys, I'm just worried. I didn't think it was this bad" I muttered, my eyes not moving from the canteen table. The rain outside poured on, reflecting our dampened mood.

The lunch bell and the kids on the neighbouring tables around us began to stand up and make their way to fourth period, River and I had a free together but the rest of the group had lessons. I said my goodbyes before grabbing my bag and walking towards the library, past the school's reception and the headmaster's office. Glancing briefly into the window I noticed Martha's messy blonde had enclosed between two suited adults, I recognised as her parents.

I slowly walked back and attempted to casually read the bulletin board next to the office in an attempt to catch a bit of the conversation.

"I cannot have my daughter surrounded by such bad influence, that have clearly spread through this unsafe environment. I mean, underage drinking, lying to us, boys! This is unacceptable, and I believe that you as a school have breached your duty of safe guarding my daughter" I heard her mother muffle to the head master. Bloody hell, this is what most teenagers are doing nowadays. I mean, it could be worse.

"I understand that, Mrs Plimpton, and we will be enforcing necessary measures in place to ensure that parents of the students here are aware of what some pupils have been up to and how they can ensure their child's safety and protection on beheld of the school. I hope to see Martha in lessons again by the end of the week"

"Yes, thank you for passing her work for the week onto us" Martha's father chimed in as chairs began to shuffle. I quickly walked back past the school office and sat in the waiting area. Maybe if I ambush her, I can get a few words in.

"Thank you once again" Martha's mother said, her hands placed firmly on Martha's shoulders as she ushered her out of the office and towards the reception.

This was my chance. I walked over to them and grabbed Martha in a hug. "Thank god, you're okay," I sign into her hair. However, her arms lay Limp next to her body before pushing me off her.

"Please don't speak to me" she muttered softly yet coldly.

What the hell?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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