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It's currently Wednesday lunch and I'm sat with Martha as we rushed to get our project done. I'd been spending so much time with River after school that I'd completely forgotten about the project due next period.

I rushed to finish the conclusion of my 12 mark essay that was required while Martha cut and stuck photos onto a large poster board containing a timeline about Hitler.

"I'm done! Hurry Mona we have a minute and a half until the late bell rings" Martha rushed me as my hand scribbles the remaining words onto the lined paper.

"Don't rush me! I don't work well under pressure" I shouted before throwing my pen in my pencil case and running down the hallway and up the stairs to our history room as soon as the late bell chimes through the school.

"Sorry we're late miss" Martha and I said in unison before we sat down in our seats at the back of the room.


"See that situation could have been avoided if you weren't hanging out with River Phoenix all the time, it's like you guys are dating or something" Nicole laughed after Martha explained our break time rush.

"Well she's definitely not going out with him, that's for sure. You would've told us, right?" Martha laughed nudging my shoulder causing me to nod and smile. I mean I wasn't lying to them.

"So, next weekend my parents are going away on their anniversary, are you guys down for a two day sleep over?" Lorie asked picking at the dirt pushed into her nails. We all nodded as we continued to either eat lunch or play on our phones.

"Anyone know the time?" I asked looking around the courtyard for a clock in sight.

"It is 12:50" Nicole replied not looking up from her phone, she looked to be in a deep conversation with someone, probably her boyfriend Corey.

"Shit!" I muttered grabbing my things and shoving them into my bag as I rushed to the school doors.

"Where are you going?"Martha asked.

"I'm supposed to be meeting Riv in the library because we have a free period after lunch and he was going to help me with my English lit!" I shouted before rushing through the corridors and up the stairs into the library.

I walked quietly up and down the rows of book shelves hoping to spot the mop of blonde hair slumped over a desk. I noticed him sat playing on his phone in the far corner of the room, hands tearing through his thick blonde locks, completely out of the view of the patrolling librarian.

"Hey" I smiled, out of breath and I placed my bag on the floor next to me. I sat down next to River and placed my head on his shoulder as I tried to regain my breath.

"Hey you! Why are you breathless?" River asked pressing a kiss to my temple.

Me and River have been acting more like a couple every time we meet up to hang out. It started with the nicknames and then the kissing and the subtle things he does like playing with my hair or always finding a way to be touching me whenever we're together.

"I ran from courtyard 6" I laughed as I played with his rings on his calloused hands.

"Oh right, understandable" He nodded as he started to play with the ends of my hair, twirling it and running his free hand through it.

private school,, r.j.pWhere stories live. Discover now