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Nicole, Martha and I walked in silence to Martha's house. Neither of us daring to say a word, quickly turning the once playful atmosphere, awkward.

Martha unlocked her front door and dropped her stuff in the hallway before running up the stairs and into her bedroom. Me and Nicole swiftly followed after I shut the front door, mimicking Martha's actions.

Martha sat on her vanity chair and faced me while Nicole sat on the end of her bed. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room while the pair of them stared at me.

"Listen-" I started before Nicole interrupted me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asked, her brows furrowed in confusion and betrayal?

"I didn't think there was much to tell" I shrugged, avoiding their harsh glare.

"Oh there is so much to tell" Martha snorted crossing her arms over her chest, waiting for me to explain.

"We just hung out and ended up kissing and stuff, I enjoyed his company so we hung out more. Its no big deal Marty-" I mumbled, picking at my finger nails.

"He's using you" Martha shouted getting up off her chair and walking towards me.

"You don't know that-"

"He did the same to me in year ten, I almost lost Nicole and Lorie because of it. I'm not letting that happen to you" She interrupted, clearly not having any of my bullshit.

"What makes you think he'll do it to me? We're in upper sixth now, he could've changed" I sympathised, I don't believe River is that sort of person, not anymore at least.

"Don't give me that crap, Mona"

"I'm just saying! People make mistakes and people change!"

"Just think about it" Martha begged before sighing and running her pale hands through her light blonde wispy hair.

"Please Mona, trust us, it's the right thing to do" Nicole muttered from the bed, her little contribution in the conversation meant a great deal.

Martha flung her arms around my neck along with Nicole as we embraced in the middle of the room. These girls really were my closest friends, even though I'd only known them for a month or two, if felt like forever.

"Now back to a movie marathon?" Martha laughed before jumping on her bed and picking out a movie from her large collection.


We ended up calling Lorie and begging her to stay the night at Martha's so that we could chat and catch her up to speed. She shortly arrived with a bottle of white wine she snuck out of her dad's liquor cupboard with the help of Keanu.

"Glasses please, Marty" Lorie called as she walked into her bedroom. Nicole sat lying on her back with her head propped up as we watched The Outsiders, I was lying on my stomach flicking though a magazine Martha had on her bed while Martha sat practicing makeup from a cut out of a magazine she stole from the library.

Lorie sat the wine on the vanity next to Martha while she dove under her bed to grab a set of four glasses she kept for these rare occasions.

private school,, r.j.pOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora