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I haven't really spoken to River since we kissed at the view point, I see him around school and we talk occasionally in lessons but nothing has arisen since the kiss.

I was walking to history with Martha we I saw him lingering around my locker, a grin spreading across my face. I quickened my pace before stopping abruptly when a blonde girl, Sophia I think her name was, came into view. 

Her locker was right next to mine.

River smiled at her before pulling her in for a kiss. Martha walked into the back of me, cursing at my abrupt stop but soon noticing the boy I'd been talking so highly about, making out with another girl.

"Come on Mona, he's not worth it" Martha comforted, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the tragic scene playing out in front of me.

I was quiet all throughout History, barely participating. It was the same for French and Maths before my last lesson, English Literature. I dragged myself into the classroom and slumped down in my seat and taking out my copy of Romeo and Juliet and my exercise book.

The written task was on the board and I started straight away, hoping that this lesson would be over and done with so that I could leave this place. The door swung open and in staggered River, flicking his note of absence at the professor before sitting down in his usual seat to start the task.

I could hear the low grumble of River's voice echoing through the silent classroom as he exchanged comments and inside jokes with the boy sitting next to him, who I assumed was his friend.

"Mr Phoenix, if you don't mind will you please change seats with Rogan " Professor McGonehu asked not glancing up to meet River's surprised glare. I looked up to see the girl next to me packing her bag, getting ready to make a move. How lovely.

"I haven't done anything, sir!" He argued, not moving from his seat.

"I don't want you disrupting the whole class' learning as well as Mr Reeves' next to you. Now please move" River huffed and kicked his chair out before moving his belongings and chucking them down on the desk next to me.

I avoided his eyes looking me up and down as I attempted to concentrate on my essay paragraph about the meaning of Shakespeare's language and how it affects the readers idea of the story line.

"Do you have a pen?" I heard River mumble from next to me. I fished out a black biro and handed it to him, our hands grazing over each other causing a fire to ignite inside of me.

"Thanks" I nodded in response not moving my head to look at him, I was upset and disappointed at both him and myself. How could I think that he'd like me? He probably led most girls on like that, how could I think I was so different.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day, causing everyone to stand up and rush out of the classroom. I packed away my things before walking out of the classroom towards my locker. I grabbed my maths text book and a note pad and made my way to the library to attempt to complete my maths homework that was due yesterday.

I sat down in the corner of the library and got started. The joys of taking core maths as an AS.




It was half past four and I'd almost finished my homework when a chair pulled up in front of me and a lanky body sat down facing me. I looked up in confusion and took out my headphones.

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