Chapter Eight

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First I want to thank everyone for following me and reading my story I really enjoy seeing it when I see my readers comment and tell me what they think of the story so far. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Again thank you all so much for your support!!

The next day Victoria gets ready to see Benjamin. The GPS showed her that he worked in the same building. On the highest floor of course because that's where all the higher ranked people worked. She heads out of her room and into the elevator. Which brings her to the highest floor. Stepping out and looking around for this was the first time she had been on the top floor. It was like a totally different building. It was nothing like the other floors. The walls were made of glass that separated offices so she could see right through them. There were tables sitting beside the elevator with snacks and drinks for the people to snack on while working. There was classical piano music playing in the distant.
Victoria sees someone walk toward her "Hello who are you here to see?" Victoria reply's still looking around "Benjamin Flin the congressman's son. I have and interview with him." The secretary nods and says "Follow me." And leads her down the hall passing several rooms where people were at work building this and that probably inventing new things. She leads her toward the last room and walks into it pointing at a floating chair. "Wait here he will be with you in a moment." Then turns and walks out.
Vitoria walks around the room. Which was probably the biggest room there it. It was sorta like the place where Henry worked. A couple of floating tables and bright lights over the tables. Then Victoria sees something really weird on one of the tables and walks over to it. When she gets there she almost screams but covers her mouth with her hand. Looking down at the thing on table it seems to be staring at her. It was a head! It looked like a male human head.

(The human head on picture)

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