Chapter 13: He'll Kiss You In Front Of Everyone

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Song: Colors (Stripped) by Halsey (I love this version so much. Gives me chills every time.)


"You did what?!" Ella shouts the very next morning.

I shift on the couch and cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not repeating it. The more I talk about it, the more I want to crawl in a hole and never come out."

"What's with all the shouting?" Bea asks sleepily, running a hand through her hair as she walks into the living room from her bedroom.

"Maggie almost kissed Tyler!" Ella points a teasing finger at me.

I bury my face in my hands and groan.

"You did what?!" Bea yells and is now wide away.

"Exactly what I said!" Ella pipes in and claps her hands excitedly. "But you didn't even hear the best part. Are you ready for this?"

I lift my head up in time to see Bea nod.

"When he walked her to the door last night, she admitted to wanting to kiss him."

Bea squeals. "So did you kiss him finally?"

I fall back on the couch and slump. "No. I did something worse. I told him I didn't kiss him because I couldn't reach his face. Who the hell does that? I freaking told him I couldn't reach his face."

Ella giggles like the first time I told her and Bea's mouth drops like I just told her I'm pregnant with Tyler's baby instead. "I can't believe you told him you couldn't reach his face! That is absolute gold!"

"I can never see him again," I say.

"Why?" They both say at the same time and sit on either side of me.

I glance between them. "Because every time I look at him, I'm going to think of last night and basically die inside."

"But he was about to kiss you too," Ella says. "Until you bumped heads."

"No!" Bea shouts and hits my arm. "That is valuable information, why keep such a detail from me? If Tyler wants to kiss you, he'll kiss you. It'll happen and you won't be expecting it."

I shake my head quickly. "Nope, not happening. I won't be left alone with him."

Bea snorts. "You think Tyler has a problem kissing you in front of people?"

Ella points at Bea like she has a good point. "I've only known Tyler for a few days and I already know that's true."

My head drops back against the couch again and I sigh. "Then I'll avoid him every chance I get." I get up off the couch. "I'm going to go shower and go to the store so I can stalk up on tour things." And I walk away before they can say anything else.

In the comfort of my room, I find clothes to change into and head into my bathroom to shower. I take my sweet time as always because I'm in no rush. If I rush, I never feel as clean. My hair gets washed, my legs get shaved, and then I step out, wrapping a towel around my bare body. "Everything is blue," I sing under my breath and step into my room. "His pills, his hands, his jeans and now I'm covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams—"

"Who's blue?"

My head snaps up and blue himself is leaning against the door frame to my room. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I yell and pull my towel up higher on my chest.

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