[43] Love Strong and Love Weak

Start from the beginning

“I won’t be long…” I mumbled quickly, as I pushed the big, heavy wooden door open and took a torch inside with me.

The first thing I noticed that there was an empty bowl and cup lying discarded on the floor right in front of the door. Well, at least she was still eating and not starving herself…

Looking up ahead of me, I saw Victoria. She was sitting up against the wall, her legs out in front of her. If she was as cold as I, then she did a much better job at hiding it.

She was looking at me. A glare, deep set onto her face. I wonder how long that has been there. This whole time or just now that she sees me? Her long black hair hung in a mess to her lap in messy knots. But I still just wanted to run my fingers through it…

She peered through her hair to pierce me with her deadly grey blue stare. It looked as if she wanted me to drop dead. Which I’m sure just might have very well been the case.

“Hello Victoria…” my voice sounded wrong, even to my own ears.

The room was filled with a thick, heavy silence. I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed the door behind me and hung up the torch in its cradle by the door. It lit up the whole room in a dull glow, just barely reaching the farthest corners.

“I just came to apologize. I never meant to hurt you, you must know that?” I tried.

Her eyes narrowed at me.

I sighed and walked to the wall that was on her left and sat about 5 feet away from her. I’m not worried about her attacking me; I can defend myself easily enough. I just know that she will still want her space away from me at the moment.

I sighed and began my explanation, “You have to understand my position in all of this… I didn’t have a choice in the matter.”

She scoffed but I ignored it and continued, “When I first purchased you, they knew who I was obviously and because they were struggling to learn anything new from you, they thought to make up this contract where I would basically learn it for them. It was assumed that you just didn’t want to talk to anyone related to Dr. Pearce.”

“You were meant to earn my trust for information,” she spat out angrily.

I sighed and nodded, “At the time, yes and that was all it was. I agreed to all of the terms and thought nothing more of it. I didn’t think that I would come to care for you Victoria. I l-” the word caught in my throat. Do I really want to say that? “grew fond of you as an individual.”

“Sounds like a load of horse shit to me,” she spat at me, but it only reached half way. Thankfully I had sat as far away as I did.

In a flash she was perched up on her feet in a lowered crouching stance. She looked just as feral and wild as she did when I first brought her here almost 8 months ago. I was suddenly very much on guard but I tried not to show it. My fingers felt for the Gael that was secured to my wrist and I felt comforted by that a bit.

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