Change. (A Matthew Sherrill Fan-Fiction) chapter 3

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He smiled.. His dimple omg.. <3 he's the best boyfriend in the world... We heard a knock on the door... It was Jake & Madasyn... With Jorden, one of Matthew's friends, trailing behind..


How come Matthew & Jake get such gorgeous girls... And Jada... Wow... I mean... Oh wow... She's beautiful.. It was like love at first sight... She looked at me... I smiled... She's so gorgeous.. But she's got Matthew and I can't ruin their relationship. :( I know I just met her but I think I love her.


When Jorden walked in, I don't know... His hair flipped perfectly... His tan skin... I glimpsed at him ... He looked and smiled... He's definitely a cutie.. But that doesn't even compare to Matthew... Anyways.. Jorden had just moved to our neighborhood and to headland. "Hey babe.. I'll be right. I'm going to show Jorden around" I told Matthew.. "Ok baby.. Hurry back" he said giving me a kiss... Me and Jorden walked out... "So you like headland so far?" I asked him as we walked around Headland.. Haha. "Yeah I do actually.. The people seem nice.. Really. Nice" he said smiling.. I giggled... I showed him the park, and the stores and our friends houses.. He smiled the whole time.. We were almost to our neighborhood when Jorden stopped.. "Uh... Jada." Jorden said.. "Yeah?" I asked.. He grabbed my face and forced me to kiss him.. I yanked away and ran to our house... With Jorden running behind me.. I walked in partially out of breath... I felt soooo guilty... Oh my gosh. Why would he do that.. I grabbed Matthews hand and pulled him to our bedroom..

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