Change. (A Matthew Sherrill Fan-Fiction) chapter 6

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The next day, I got up early... Matthew woke up.. "Babe. What are yah doing?" Matthew asked me. "Oh.. Jorden's mom wanted me to show them around headland and stuff. It won't take long." I said. "Ok baby.. I love you" he said as he fell back asleep.. I put on a cavalier shirt, shorts, and zebra print vans.. I wanded my hair.. Jorden's mom was going to drive around headland then take us to get lunch. I walked to Jorden's.. He greeted me with a hug.. I gave him a slight kiss on the cheek.. His cheeks turned blood shot red.. We got in the back seat of his mom's KIA.. After we drove around, his mom asked where we wanted to eat.. Jorden said Taco Bell.. Which.. Was. Uh. Mine and Matthew's favorite place... Jorden ordered the exact same thing Matthew orders.. A Doritos taco.. And a Baja Blast.. I got my usual nachos and a Baja Blast.. We sat and ate.. Jorden reached down slowly and grabbed my hand.. "Um. Please excuse me" I said really fast.. I went into the bathroom.. I texted Matthew..

To: My Baby😘

Matthew.. Ughhh. I miss you! This is going horrible! I'll be home soon..


From: My Baby😘

Good! I miss you too baby! Hurry home :( I love you!

I returned to the table.. I can't believe I might like Jorden.. What's wrong with me :( I don't even know anymore.. I'm in love with Matthew.. But I have slight feelings for Jorden.. I have to talk to Baylee about this :( What am I thinking.. I lost Harris.. Who I wanted for a while.. But I can't lose Matthew.. I don't just want & love him. I need him.. He's a part of me..

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