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Adonis Kant


Adela Gaye, naturally, was a scary woman. Her smiles always seemed more like smirks that looked taunting and daring but her frowns, like the one she was currently sporting; those were deadly.

If I hadn't gotten to know Brie personally that day a month ago, the interview would have given me the impression that both women were exactly alike. But my princess was nothing like this conniving, judgemental, stuck-up woman that was glaring at me over her glass of champagne.

However, nothing about the glares she was shooting me or the looming presence of the bodyguards who could trash me in a blink of an eye made me back down. A feeling was burning hot in my chest as Brie reached for my hand with her shaky one. And that alone supplied me with what felt like a tanker full of adrenaline.

"I am so disappointed in you, Brie," Adela spat out. "A chauffeur? Your chauffeur? I thought I brought you up to be better than this."

I felt Brie squeeze my hand in hers once as if to assure me that her mom's words shouldn't affect me and I squeezed back immediately.

"Mom, don't!" Brie warned, her eyes blazing.

"Don't what? Hurt his feelings? I can do whatever I like because he is exactly what I say he is... a commoner."

"You know what, mom? You can keep your opinions to yourself," My princess snapped this time and I couldn't be prouder. "Yes, you did teach me, mom, but you only taught me to be a snotty little brat like you and I will no longer be your doll who you can stir any which way. I'm done, mom!"

This time, Adela rose from her seat. "And what exactly do you mean by that? I've had enough chit chat, daughter. You," she spat as she moved her neck so her attention was now on me. "You're fired and do be glad that I'm willing to spare you. Leave right now!"

Brie stepped in front of me. "No—"

"Yes." This time, it wasn't Adela Gaye who spoke up, it was a voice that came from behind us. We all moved our gazes to see the new person in the room and I came face to face with the man himself, John Gaye.

"Dad! I thought you would be more understanding. How could you?" I heard Brie cry but her father just held a hand up, signalling for her to keep calm.

"Let me finish my statement, pumpkin," he stated simply. Regarding me, he asked, "What can you do, young man?"

I was lost at first but I quickly got a hang of what he meant and stuttered out, "Uh, I-I'm good with fixing cars up, Sir."

John Gaye nodded once. "I have a friend that owns a big company that deals with machinery and automobiles. I'll see how I can help you with that." My jaw fell slack and I turned to see Brie's expression was similar.

"John—" Adela started to chastise but the look in her husband's eyes seemed to shut her up. She shot us all one last glare before storming out of the room.

John ignored her behavior and turned to face me. "What's your name again?"

My heart thumped as I stuttered out my response, "Adonis Kant."

His face remained expressionless as he concluded, "Adonis Kant, I have nothing more to say than enjoy your vacation."

My eyebrows furrowed at that. "I'm sorry, Sir, but what vacation?"

"The one you'll be going on with my angel here. To Paris. I was going to inform her about it tonight and you both happened to come out of your shells just at the right time. You might as well go together." John Gaye shrugged casually, an action that looked weird on his elegant self.

The lines of confusion on my forehead only creased further as I pondered upon the exact question Brie asked the next second.

"Dad, I'm confused, how are you so open to my dating Adonis? I mean, you barely know him and now, you're sending us both to Paris?" I nodded along with her words.

Once again, John Gaye shrugged. "I knew all along about your seeing someone. Your mom and I both. Honey, come on, you were glowing more than ever of late. Why wouldn't I notice how different my angel was? Positively, in fact. You were less demanding—"

At that, I smirked. That was definitely unlike my princess.

"—more open with the workers, taking your mom's complaints with a smile; the whole time, you would have this look like you were floating. And angel, you know I always want the best for you. So when Garret came to me—"

"Garret came to you?" Brie piped in. "That stupid, arrogant, manipulative—"

I pulled Brie towards me and squeezed the hand that was still in mine. "Calm down, princess." She took a deep breath and nodded for her dad to go on.

"Garret had carried out a background check on Adonis and he brought the file to me. I knew about a guy but not who exactly but I acted like I did and warned him to leave you both alone. Then, I made some more research on the type of person your boyfriend over here was and I happened to be impressed. But I have one more thing to say though." John Gaye stepped towards me and I held my breath.

"You hurt my daughter and well, you would wish you never met her." He gestured towards the bodyguards flanking him. "Oh, and you both may leave for your trip on Monday. Adonis, consider starting your new job next month. Goodnight."

I shook hands with the man, unable to hold back the gratitude I felt as I thanked him profusely. I watched as Brie gave him a tight hug and muttered something to which he kissed her head.

Soon, we both were alone.

No words needed to be said as Brie leaped onto me with a squeal. I let out a hearty laugh as I twirled her around, right there in the center of her living room, under the sparkling lights of the chandelier.

She brought her forehead down to mine and placed a kiss on my nose. "I love you."

My chest filled up with the same feeling as I held her closer. I placed her feet back on the floor and reached down for her lips with mine.

We stayed like that for a long while before I pulled back to speak, "I love you more, princess. And you know that story you told me of your wish for a fairytale ending? Well, I'm applying for the spot of Prince Charming. Will you consider hiring me, her royal majesty?" I murmured jokingly.

Brie pressed her cheek on my chest, directly over my heartbeat. "You're most certainly hired, my Adonis."

And they lived happily ever after...


---- scroll on to read the A/N below ----

And kindly check out my novel, Breaking Selma. It will be worth your while, I hope.

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