ChaPteR One

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Brie Gaye


Once, in third grade, my teacher had asked everyone to discuss three wishes each of theirs.

100% of the boys had spoken on building the biggest houses, buying the best games and driving the fastest cars. 99.9% of the girls had wished to buy the most expensive jewelry, wear the prettiest dresses and be the most beautiful girl in the world. When it was my turn to speak, I only had one wish.

Growing up, most of my time was spent watching Disney movies. At the age of six, I could sing practically all the songs from Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Little Mermaid and a lot more by heart. My parents and I had visited Disney World so many times, I couldn't count but each time managed to stay very special.

I had everything that my wish entailed at the age of 18 but still one element was missing. Now, at the age of 24, I still haven't been able to acquire that one thing. The most important one.

I had wished for a fairytale life but my Prince Charming was the only element missing.


The wind blew once again, making my hair slap my face in a swift motion and getting into my mouth. I groaned at that and brushed my stray hair behind my ear.

I was sitting cross-legged on a floral blanket on the beach with one of my parents' bodyguards standing a few distance away from me. I rolled my eyes as Bo, the bodyguard, turned to see if I was up to any mischief.

I looked back at the manuscripts on my lap and smiled to myself. I had completed my goal of reading through three manuscripts for the day.

Now, it was time for swimming.

That was where the problem lied. I was totally terrible at swimming and it wasn't one or two or three times that I'd almost drowned while at the beach. That explained Bo's presence and over-protectiveness. But still, I was grateful that it was just him.

Being the daughter of a politician running for the governor's office called for a lot of securities. Thankfully, today happened to be a day my parents allowed me go out with just one bodyguard. A full entourage would normally go with me everywhere.

"Ma'am." I glanced up and squinted as the sun shone full force into my eyes. Bo towered over me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'd like to get refreshments now. Will you need anything?"

I shook my head and said, "No, I'm cool."

Bo nodded and stared me at me pointedly as if to ask me to behave while he was gone. I rolled my eyes again and slipped my earphones into my ears.

As Bo walked away, I looked over at the ocean and I felt a somewhat pull. No— not the mystical where I end up reuniting with my Mermaid sisters— just the urge to feel the cool sea water on my scorching skin.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Bo had disappeared out of sight. Quickly, I placed my things into my bag and ran towards the water. As the water washed over me, I closed my eyes and let out a peaceful sigh. It was so cool.

The current was pulling me deeper into the water and I moved with it till half of my body had disappeared under. I dipped my head underwater to get some onto my scalp but then, I couldn't swim back up.

I kicked and kicked but the harder I tried, the further I sank. I stretched my arms above the water surface and waved them frantically. Soon, water started rushing into my ears and nose; my eyes began to burn and finally, darkness set in.


Hey guys! So I want to launch a Question of the Chapter session for each chapter and I hope you're all willing to participate!

QOTC: Have you ever had a careless accident while doing something you shouldn't have? If yes, narrate it. I hope to get some really juicy comments.

The funniest gets a dedication in the next chapter.

KaiA xx

KaiA xx

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