Chapter Six PART ONE

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I walked into the room with Blane right behind me. I chuckled. He gripped my blazer. I looked up and saw a red haired woman. She turned around and her eyes let out a small tear.

"Arron..." She whispered.

"Sam." I spat. What the hell. She dyed her hair a popping red and her eyes were covered in eyeliner. She must have gotten 10 nose jobs because her nose was messed us as heck. Ugly and gross. Her breasts looked bigger and she looked a lot skinner. I shook my head and walked to a seat at the table.

There was some paper work there and I picked it up. Skimming it quickly I frowned.

"You want to do work with me." I said quietly.

"I want to be close to you again Arron. My life feels so uncompleted without you in it. I will do anything to gain your trust again. I just need to be by your side Arron." she whimpered and reached for my arm.

Blane pulled my arm back and glared at her.

"EXCUSE ME LADY?! DON'T YOU DARE JUST WALTZ BACK INTO HIS LIFE. Do you know what you did to him?! YOU BITCH!" Blane retorted at her.

She stood up and slammed her hand onto her chest. "EXCUSE ME?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME AND YOU ARE ALREADY JUDGING ME?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! Anyway, Arron, I still can't believe that-"

"Please whore. I can judge you all I want. I know enough about you already. And by looking at you, you tried to make yourself look pretty. Well hunny, there is more to beauty than nose jobs and plastic surgery."

I am pretty sure everyone heard her gasp.


I slammed my fist on the table. They both flinched and jumped back.

"ENOUGH!" My voice boomed. "Sam you have no right to call him that. And for that, I do not want to work with you or your company! I am afraid that if people hear me working with you, that your company will tarnish my company. Now, please get out. You already know that I want nothing to do with you."

She stood up and tears streamed down her face, erasing some of her makeup. Revolting.

"I thought you still loved me. You didn't even yell at me the night you caught me."

"You are right. I still used to. But not anymore. You just made me loose all my respect and the little love I had left for you. Now get out."

She let out a heart breaking sob and ran out of the room. I turned around and looked back at Blane.

He gulped.

I turned back around and walked towards the door. Next to it was a switch that made all the windows turn black, so that if someone had a presentation, we could see it. But that was not what I was using for it now.

I turned back around and walked towards Blane. He stepped back until his back hit the wall.

"What are you doing?" He whispered. I gently pushed him against the wall and chuckled. I leaned in towards his ear and nipped it. I slowly dipped my tongue inside and pulled it out. He moaned and mewled as I nibbled on his ear. "Arron?" He breathed.

"What am I doing?" I whispered and bit his earlobe. He groaned. "I am giving you a reward."




I am SO MAD. I wrote this chapter and tried to save it to my usb in word, but I accidentally deleted it :(

I will update tomorrow maybe.

Also, three of my chapters were removed from my book and I lost soo many votes :(

BUT! It is ok. I have my fans and that is all that matters to me really. Votes are nice, but I love comments so much more!

Please vote and comment for the next part for this chapter ;)

going to contain erotica for you loves :)

<3 -AnnYang102

P.S. I will never become one of those authors that demands votes and comments for the next chapter. :)


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