Chapter 24

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Previously on When My Life Changed 
 we walked to the food section,when I saw a boy,he looked so familiar to me...

and when he turned to face us,I almost choked

''Hey guys,good to see you,Ess'' he looked at the guys then at me, i squeezed denis' hand


I almost fell down, he was here,he was standing in front of me and smiling, the boy whom I was in love for almost 2 years..

Denis got scared because of the squeezing,he looked down at me ,but I just stared at Dan

''You won't hug your old friend huh?'' Dan laughed and opened his arms
''What are you doing here Dan?'' I ignored what he said
''umm..My job maybe?'' he answered sarcastically
''answer, how did you know I will be here? why don't you leave me alone already?''
I almost shouted,I tried to be quiet,since we were in the backstage and Denis was next to me,still holding my hand.

He finally figured out what's going on and who's this and looked at me again
''That's him?'' he asked nervously
''Yes..'' i answered 

Denis looked at Dan 
''Listen to me,you fucking dickhead, go away and leave Ess  alone,she's not caring about you anymore okay? just get off her'' he said to Dan,and walked closer to him,I tried to hold him back
''Who's saying it?'' he asked back angrily
''Her boyfriend'' Said Denis,and pulled me in his arms,I felt tears coming up
Dan didn't answered,he got surprised and looked both at Denis and at me 
''I warn you,leave.her.alone,she's mine, I take care of her, I love her,you had the fucking  chance 3 years ago,that's not her fault that you were a bigger fucking  idiot than you are now,get off this place and get your fucking hands off my girlfriend''
''You can't tell me what to do'' said Dan
''Oh I can'' said Denis and made an evil smile ''I'm your boss you fucking idiot bastard,i can get you fired if I want,already forgot? so think about it,what you do,got it?'' he got even closer to him, I honestly felt he will punch him anytime but then just stepped back 
Dan looked embarassed ''Good talk,Ess,See you soon.'' He said and smiled at Denis
''I'm so gonna kill this bastard,fuck'' Denis mumbled under his breath
I looked at him and hugged him
''Thank you so much,I love you..'' I said
''don't worry love,he's not gonna get his fucking hand on you, I promise''
I smiled and kissed him,Dan was looking at us.

/After the show/

''That Dan is THAT Dan?'' asked Sam
''I'm so gonna rip his lungs out of his fucking chest.'' Said Cam
''Why didn't you punch the hell out of his face Denis?'' asked James
''Yes,it was THAT Dan and thank you Cam and Hell no James,no punching okay? I don't want Denis to get hurt.'' I said and buried myself in Denis' chest
''But I was about to punch that fucker'' said Denis and started to play with my hair
''If I was there I'd...'' Ben started
''Yeah we know,you'd rip his eyes out and shove it up his ass''
Ben sat back and smiled proudly ''Correct'' 
''What did he said to you?'' Sam asked me
''He just asked if I'm gonna hug him,then Denis figured out the stuff and got angry and said several stuff to that bastard''
''for example?'' James asked
''I said that I can get him fired anytime if I want to,so he better takes his hands off my girlfriend''
''Correct'' said Ben
''What a douchebag, fuck, what the hell did he thought huh? he just comes here and gets Ess back or what? He really thinks that you are this naive or manipulative that he can get you back this easy?'' said Sam
''I was naive and manipulative when I was home and we were in the same school and I was in love with him,he just used me up for things to do and stuff,well not THAT kind of stuffs,of course but little things, he lost his credit card somewhere in my town and asked me to search for it,when I had other things to do , I was their photographer for awhile,he had a shitty band too,then suddenly he forgot about me for months and then when I almost forgot him and didn't thought of him all the time,he just walked back to my life..''
''What the...'' Said Sam

''That's official,I'm gonna kill this bitch'' said Denis
''Calm guys, I'm over him,but he thinks that he can get me back,and I'm afraid he's gonna hurt Denis'' I said
''He will not,We are here,Denis is strong,he will punch that motherfucker to warmer places don't worry''
''Why don't we just fire him?'' asked Cam
''Harvey is not home yet, just 3 more days,we try to handle it,if not,he's out'' said Ben
we all nodded 
''You'll be fine okay? I'm here'' said Denis and gave me an eskimo kiss
we heard the boys going ''Aaaaawwwh'' and we laughed

After we discussed this thing,we played monopoly,watched Sherlock and Supernatural,Had a popcorn fight aaand we got tired so  went to get ready for sleep.

As always I slept in Denis' bunk,when he got back from the restroom I was sitting in his bunk editing the photos I took today.
He crawled inside and hopped next to me,he hugged me, kissed my cheeks and bent his head on my shoulders and watched how I edit.
''Badass photos,you're so talented I'm so proud''
''Are you?'' I teased while I turned my head to face him and smiled 
''of course I am'' He said and kissed me 
I closed the laptop and put it away,while still kissing.
We leaned down and fell asleep in each others arms.

End of chapter // Next soon

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