Chapter 18

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Previously on When My Life Changed
We just stood there.
In each others arms.

This is happening.

He kissed me, it felt like heaven, I wanted to stay like this forever.
He suddenly pulled away
He looked at me scared
"I'm so sorry, I didn't wanted to.. Oh my god"... He didn't wanted to..?
"it's.. It's fine" that was all that I could say
"I..I have to go, soundcheck"
He said and ran away back to the bus
I wanted to say him to wait, but I was shocked, it was too much. I love him,I want him to know,but I can't..
I stood there for like another five minutes, then went back to the bus, their set starts in 3 hours and I need to get ready

When I got back, the guys were about to leave to soundcheck
Denis stood next to Cam, they were talking about something, when I entered the bus,they all looked at me, Denis looked at me and quickly turned away
I did the same and smiled at Ben, he hugged me
"where have you been? We were worried about you!"
Suddenly Denis looked at me, waiting for my answer
"I.. I was just walking around, some fans stopped me for a picture and stuff.." I said
"I'm so happy they love you! I want you to stay with us! Like our personal photographer, the crew loves you, the fans love you and we also! So what do you say?"
I smiled, looked at the guys faces, they all waited for the answer..
"of course I will!"
They all cheered and highfived me, except Denis..
"nah, we need to go to soundcheck, see you later, Sisi!" james said
"Sisi?? What the hell?" I laughed
"terrible nickname for a terrible nickname giver!" he said
"fuck off, droomer!"
"That's what I am!" he laughed
They left and I edited some pictures, then I decided to watch some Supernatural.

Denis p.o.v

We were halfway to soundcheck, the guys were telling some terrible jokes, but I barely laughed
Ben noticed it and left the guys go in front of us, we stayed back
"what's wrong dude?"
"I kissed Ess.."
He smiled and said "what's wrong with that?"
"..after it I said I didn't wanted to kiss her "
He went from smiley face to the iwillkillyou face in a milisecond
"why the fuck did you said that? Now she thinks you don't like her!"
"I don't know I just.. I don't know dude, I was scared!"
"you're doing like you haven't got any girlfriends before!"
"it was different with Dasha! It was much easier, I didn't liked her as much as I do Ess now.."
"Oh dude, I'm not a christian or something , but you better pray.."
"well if that was a " relax dude everything's Okay " in Ben's language,then thanks, I'm trying to calm down.. "
"we'll see it tomorrow, at the party, remember what we planned?"
"don't be scared, you're a man dude!"
"I know.. I know" I said

"What are you two talking about back there?" James shouted
"This dude almost fucked up everything!" Ben yelled and I punched his shoulder
We ran after them and started to walk together
"what did you did?" James asked
"I kissed Ess, then I told her I didn't wanted to.."
"you fucker, do you know how hurting is this to her? She's truly in love with you! She didn't told me but that's brighter than the sun"
"what if not?"
"well that's exactly what she thinks now, look, when I met Brandi, we were just like this! Everyone told me that she likes me, but I was disappointed, but I was like" Now or never" and now we will have our 4th anniversary!" (I don't know properly sorry!)
This was all that I needed, this was all that I needed to hear..
"thanks droomer, it truly helped me"
" that's what droomers do you know,help a lot!" he laughed
I laughed too and started to feel better, Can't wait for tomorrow's party..

Ess p.o.v

After 2 and a half Supernatural episode I fell asleep and woke up to the guys poking me
"Ess, Ess wake up! We have to go in 30 minutes!" Cam said
I slowly woke up
"Oh my god I fell asleep? Fuck"
"why's that bad?"
"I wanted to go take some nature photos.."
"well you will, in thirty minutes, get your lazy ass up" Ben said
"you're not nature, Ben"
"what do you mean, I'm a natural beauty! What else do you need?"
We all laughed
"fuck off, bruce"
"what did you said I didn't heard" He said and took his hands to his ears
"Fuck. Off. Bruce" I said louder
"did I heard fuck me, Bruce? Well we have not enough time but okay!"
"you're unbelievable!" I laughed and shook my head

I went to my bunk and grabbed some stuff out of my suitcase and put it on, did my hair and make-up,(Picture above)
then I walked to the front, grabbed my camera things and started to put my camera together
While doing it I was thinking about Denis.. We didn't talked since morning.. Maybe he doesn't like me as I do him..

The Guys were on stage, I took pics and for once I decided to record a video too, I recorded the guys from every angle, then I recorded the fans, also recorded myself walking around the stage.
By the way the guys were amazing as always!

When I shooted Denis, he smiled to the camera, I smiled back at him

The show ended.

We went back to the bus after the show, drank some beer took shower and went to sleep, I fell asleep soon after.

Denis p.o.v

I couldn't sleep.. There was this idea in my head.. I need to tell it to Ben and the guys

I waited a bit, slowly looked in Ess's bunk if she was asleep and walked to Cameron's then Ben's then James's and then Sam's bunk and woke them up.

"what the fuck do you want?" said James
"can't this wait till morning?" said Sam
"It was cameron!" said Ben
"cameron what?" Cam asked back
"He stole your porn magazines!"
"what the fuck?" Cam looked at Ben
"I don't have porn magazines fucker!"I said
"joke,but what's so important that can't wait till morning?" Ben asked
"So our plan was that that I ask Ess to be my girlfriend tomorrow at the party, right?"
"Yeah" they all nodded
"So, that idea popped up to my mind, what if I ask her at the next show? On stage! The fans will see it too, and also, the feeling, you will be there, then we will play Him's Right Here In My Arms! I know she loves that song and that's one of my favourites also! So what do you think?"
"Man, you're a fucking genius, it's perfect, Way better than the party,but if you do this, you need to wait another day, our next show is the day after tomorrow.." Said James
"I like it!" said Ben
"you gave me an idea how to ask Haley to be my wife.." Said Cam
"I know it's fine I will wait, but I want it to be special, for all of us, for the family!" I said "Sam what do you thi.." I looked at Sam, he fell back to sleep
We laughed quietly and woke him up
"wha..what's up?" He asked
"man, You overslept Denis's idea, he will ask Ess to be his girl on stage the day after tomorrow's show!" said Ben
"That's *yawn* very cute, I'm so *Yawn* happy for you, it's a fantastic *yaawn* idea, man!" he said and almost fell asleep again
I laughed quietly
"But Hey, She's the photographer! Who will take pictures of you?" asked Cam
" text Elmakias tomorrow if he can come to the next show, I know Ess likes him too, so it will be twice good! She can meet her idol" Said James
"thanks, man I will!"
"you welcome, now please, let's get some sleep, I'm tired as hell and Sam fell asleep again!" said James and pointed at Sam
We woke Sam up and walked to our bunks.

The day after tomorrow..

~End~ next soon!

~End~ next soon! ~EssieStoff

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