Chapter 15

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Previously on When My Life Changed
Lot of fans came and said Hi to me too, I can't say how good that feels, after signing we just walked around warped, James gave me a piggybank ride,we watched other bands sets, the guys then had soundcheck, and soon after, their set came..

I was a bit nervous, this will be my first concert shooting, I hope I will be good..
We were in backstage already, the guys set starts in 5 minutes.
As I said I was nervous, and Denis saw it.
"don't be" He said
"nervous, I see it.."
"I'm not,well a little bit, but I will be good! I'm a photographer, I can do it!" I said and smiled at him
He smiled at me too and said "That's my Martini!"
The guys came toward us and Cam asked
"how you feel about your first upcoming concert shooting?"
"I'm a bit nervous, but I know I can do it!"
"You obviously can, Ess!" james said "I saw your photos, you're incredibly talented!" he said and hugged me "And before I forget, I want to introduce you to Brandi as soon as I can!"
How sweet!
"really? That would be awesome!" I said and smiled at James
"me too, I told about you to Haley, she likes you already!"
Cam said
"Sam thinks you make badass photos and wants to meet you too!" said Ben
"Yeah,but what are you talking about I already met her" said Sam
We laughed
"Not you, fucker, Samantha!"
"well too bad, I'm the only Sam here!" Sam laughed
"douchebags" I said and laughed at them.

Denis was quiet the whole time..
I looked at him and rubbed his arm
"don't think about her, Stoffy!"
I said and hugged him
He hugged me back, and when he pulled out of the hug he kissed my forehead
I shocked.. He kissed my forehead..
Seconds later a crew member came and said that they have to go up on stage
I wished good luck for them and said "kill it, you're A fucking A!!" then they walked to the stage and I grabbed my camera and started to making photos,walking around the stage, I made bunch of photos..of them, and of the crowd too.

"warped tour, have a good fucking night, you were awesome!" denis yelled to the mic and then they walked off stage

I waited for them,and when they arrived I hugged them
"sweaty as hell!" I said embarassed
"but you love us!" Ben said and winked at me
"of course I do! You were amazing guys!" I said
"thanks Ess! How you dealt with the photos?" asked james
"They are so good I think,take a look at it!" I said and handed them the camera

"Wooow, that's a good one! My new instagram profile pic is here!" said Denis
"I'm glad you like it! But I will be doing some editing on it later, and you decide which one is better, K?"
"Sure thing!"
"I want this!" said Sam and pointed at a photo of himself
"That's a good one Buttley!" I said
"Buttley? Really? You suck at nicknames" Sam laughed
"no, i'm not!! Look, Ben you will be bigben, Cam you will and umm.. James, you will be the drooms!"
"Camz??" Cam shouted and gave me the 'srslybruh' look
"I like the bigben, it's just describes me down there,that's awesome!"
We punched Ben and laughed
"That's not funny you make fun of my Accent.. Which is cute as fuck!" said James
"it is, Drooms!" said Denis
We laughed then Ben suddenly stopped and looked at my seriously
"what about Denis?? You didn't chose a nickname for him!"
"He already has.."
"Cheaters!!" said Ben
"what it is?" asked Sam
"Stoffy" I said
"I've never seen worse nicknames than ours.." Said Cam And looked at me sadly
"too bad, get used to it, Camz!"
"that will be hard"
"Nah,let's go to the bus, I need a refreshing shower!" said Ben
We all nodded and started making our way to the bus
I was Walking behind the guys with denis.
"I'm sorry" He said
"the.. Forehead kiss"
" it's fine" I smiled at him
"then good because you will get ton of them in the future." He said
I shocked again but I smiled and said
"Maybe I will give them back!" then I stopped walking, he stopped too, and I stood on my toes and kissed his forehead and quickly walked away
I turned over and he was standing there smiling at me and he suddenly started to run after me
I started to run too and ran past the guys, they looked at me confused
Then denis left them behind his back and started to catch me
"catch me if you can bastard!" I laughed and ran
"trust me I can!" seconds later he reached me and caught me
Then he lifted me up in bridal style and turned around
"stop! Put me down!" I yelled
"Never!" he yelled back
He put me down
"you fucker!" I said
He just laughed and hugged me tightly

When we arrived to the bus,the guys showered and after that we drank some beer
Then we watched netflix, and after that we decided to go to sleep, I wanted to edit the photos but I was too tired
The only thing I saw before falling asleep was denis's smile again

I think I love him..

~end,next chapter soon~
(sorry, it's short :/)

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