Chapter 6

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Previously on When My Life Changed :
... I went upstairs, Changed into my pjs and went to sleep.

2 Days... 💗"

~skip to the concert day 1! ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarmclock
Checked the time, it was 9:30 in the morning
The concert is tonight.. Omg I can't wait!

I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom and did my business, washed my face and teeth and did my make-up and hair then Changed into a ptv shirt with shorts and made my way down to the kitchen to EAAAT.

As I got down I saw my family eating breakfast with... Kate, Bastien and Gen!!? Wtf
They looked at me at the same time
"Good morning, sweety! Kate,Gen and Bastien came to you! Tonight's the concert right?" my mom looked at me and then at Kate, Bastien and Gen
"Yes,Mrs.Marin,it's tonight, we are so excited!" said Kate
I slowly made my way to the table and sat next to Kate
"what are you doing here this early? Well not that I'm complaining just got surprised! The concert starts like 8-9 hours later!"
"we want to be with you all day! Talk about everything, if we lost each other how to find each other, what to bring what not to bring you know, emergency things, and if you already forgot we are going for 2 days!! we have to be there early if you want to be in the first line, duh!" Said Kate, and she was right
Bastien, Gen and I nodded and continue our breakfast,after we finished we started to walk upstairs
"we will be in my room, mom!" I said

"Okay, So, we will be always, I said ALWAYS together, no one goes anywhere alone, understood?" asked Kate seriously
"Okay" we both nodded with Bastien and Gen
"We bring Asking and Undead merches, also hoodies if the weather starts to be bitchy,shorts and skinnyjeans!"
"Yap" we both nodded
"Good, I'm bringing the tent, Ess brings the sleeping bags, Bastien you bring medicines! Gen you bring sweets" said Kate
"Okay!" we both nodded
"then we are done!" said Kate while smiling

We were about to leave, when we got a ton of messages to our group chat from the dorks

Ellalikesbooks_45: take care of each other Fuckers, have fun! Btw Paris is so bitchy now, it's raining like hell, Leo is in the make-up room, gonna check him! Bye dorks and Ess, Make photos!!! 💚💜luvyaa dorks xox
EsmePixieSykezz: Have fun! Take care of each other and don't leave each other anywhere, call us sometimes! Fucking ton of pictures Ess! LOVEYA
BriannaBreeBakesNothing: take care of each other have fun and carefully with the drinking you alcoholics! Luvya! 💜
Noellovesbigboobs: have fun bitches! Look after each other and have a kickass party thereeee, Bastien, Take photos of big boobs for me! Brofist Fuckers 👊👊❤
Pattyxwalters: so sorry I couldn't make it to the concert because of working on the album! Have fun, Babe, take care of yourself and also of those Fuckers!! Love you all, especially you, Katybeaar😻🐻 ✌💖
Olobersykes: Have fun Fuckers!! Text us sometimes and take care of each other! Those people are fucking sick I saw them lol
Realleoattwood✅: just sitting in the make-up room with my love! *selfie of him with Ella* Take care of each other and text us when you get there!!! Loveyoufuckeeers 💗

We read them and responded

Essie_: Thank you dorks!! We will and same goes for you! Of course I will take bunch of photos!! loveyoufuckeeers💗💖💞 Noel fuck off 😜😂
Gen_evieve12: luvya guys, stay onlinee sometimes!! Noel eat shit 😂😂 Leo don't fall off stage like last time haha 😝😂😘
Thisbekatie: love you babe, have fun at recording! Gonna text you! Byedorksss, Noel fuckoff, Lol Gen wtf xddd
Realleoattwood ✅: Just get home i'll kill YOUU DORK 😣
Bastien_xx: LOL IM CRYING, btw thanks fuckers same goes for you! Noel for the fuck's sake im not gonna take pictures of boobs -.- but at least i'll see some haha
Gen_evieve12: Hahahahaha catch me if you can bastard Hahah

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