Chapter 23

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Previously on When My Life Changed

We were telling some stories before we got to the bunks, I fell asleep in Denis's arms.

I woke up alone,Denis wasn't next to me,probably soundcheck or something.
I crawled out of the bunk and headed to the kitchen,there was nobody else on the bus just me.
When I poured water for myself I saw a little piece of paper on the kitchen table

Good morning beautiful,if you're wondering where are we ,we are on soundcheck with our new assistant guy. Wish us good luck!
Love you,Mrs.Shaforostov!♥ /Mr.Shaforostov.

I smiled down at the paper and drank the water,then I went to the restroom to get ready for today. (outfit above)

When I got ready I just sat down and watched TV til the guys came back.

''It was the worst soundcheck ever!'' Shouted Ben.
''Agree,that new guy sucks'' Said James
''He doesn't even know what's his job dammit'' Said Sam

''Hey guys!what happened? you all seem so upset'' I said while I got up and walked to Denis and kissed him
''We got a new assistant because Harvey is on a vacation with his family from now,and fuck I just want to punch him right in the dick'' Said Ben
''He also said Denis' voice is bad and he needs more practice'' Said Cam
''What the fuck?'' I said ''That fucker,you have the most beautiful voice babe,don't listen to him'' i hugged Denis
''That's true I need to practice,nobody's perfect,but I think I have a good voice..'' said Denis
I just smiled and hugged him ''you have''

''Okay we have an interview in 2 hours,then a show tonight,hope that asshole will disappear til the show..I miss Harvey..'' Ben imitated a sad face
''By the way Ess,we want to take you to the interview'' said Cam
I shocked
''What? really? why?''
''what are those questions? you're a part of the crew,and Denis' girlfriend,of course you're coming with us now'' said James
''but I'm afraid a little bit''
''Don't need to, just answer the questions,smile,hug Denis to kill thousands of fangirls and you don't need to worry about the rest,Ben will flirt with the interviewer the whole time..'' Said James
I laughed and nodded ''Okay,Jam''
''What the..stop with these nicknames..Sissy! '' james shouted
''Never,Jam..oh well that means I'm your princess?''
''No,just mine'' Denis suddenly showed up behind me, hugged me and bent his head to my neck.
''Obv. My only princess is Brandi'' said james
''Oh the giirls,where are they?''
''Brandi works, I don't know about Haley,Cam?" James looked at Cam
''home,she will come in a couple of days,she has some business at home,she says sorry for not saying goodbye but it was S.O.S''
''What happened? everything's alright?'' We asked
''Yeah,just work stuff'' Cam said
''Okay then,tell her I miss her'' I said,still hugging Denis and kissing his head
''Okay tower,I'm getting tireeed''
''Whaaat tower?'' he said pulling his head out of my neck quickly
''You're my tower'' I said and stood on my toes to kiss him
''And you're my gnome'' he said kissing me back
''Okay it's enough here,you make me miss Brandi more''
we laughed.

/Skip to the interview/

''Babe you ready? we have to go to the studio already''
''I'm alright just fixed my makeup and outfit'' i walked outside,intertwined my fingers with denis ,and walked to the studio door,where the other guys were
an assistent girl came out and said we can go in,she also winked at Denis
''Hey,back off okay? he's mine!'' I said and the girl looked at me angrily,the guys laughed and high fived with me, and Denis hugged me and said ''That's my girl''

We walked in,the interviewer girl greeted us,shook hands with us and pointed at the sofa so we sat down
James,Sam,Cam,Denis,Me and Ben next to me ,some staff person gave all of us microphones and then
The girl counted down and the ON AIR board started to shine red

''Hey everyone,It's Kelly and you're watching Malby, today I'm here with Asking Alexandria and their photogrpaher,whos also the girlfriend of the vocalist,Denis. Hey guys'' she said and looked at us
''Hey'' We all said
''Hey ,Kelly'' said Ben winking ,oh this guy:D
''How are you doing during warped?''
''It's very good,we always love to come back,and now with our new family member it's better'' said james and looked at me
the girl smiled at me and asked
''oh ,Ess,Right? how's the tour with the guys?''
''It's nothing but good times'' I said and smiled
''How did they found you?''

''It's a cute story though,I went to one of their concerts and they saw me with my huge camera,I was on the stage also'' i smiled and imitated the word huge with my hands
''And that's where you met Denis who's already your boyfrieend yeah?'' she asked
''Yes, I should probably say that I'm the happiest girl on the world''
''vice versa'' said Denis and I hugged him
''You guys are extremely adorable together, so it looks like the askinggirlfriends crew got a new member'' the guys and I nodded 
''So umm..tell us about warped''
''It's so hot in there,but not as hot as you'' said Ben , we all laughed and Denis facepalmed
''I'm going to talk okay,Ben,Shut up! '' Laughed Cam ''It's so good there,the weather sometimes kills us but we're good''
''fine then,and after warped? you have a tour planned or just relax a bit?'' the girl asked
''We're going to relax a bit,go home to our families and friends,then we have 2 tours planned with PVRIS,All Time Low and with Bring Me The Horizon'' said Sam
''uhhum,Denis,you fly home?''
''actually yes,with Ess'' he said and held my hand,I just smiled
''cute, I also want to ask,what are you doing at warped when you have no shows?''
''We walk around warped,watching series,meeting fans..'' Said Sam
''Watching porn..well these days we don't even have to,we have Denis and Ess''
''Shut up Benjamin!'' Denis laughed ,and I punched Ben
''Ouch,that hurts''

the interviewer girl almost choked on laughter
''Well ,I hope you feel good and collect good memories,last but not at least,you want to say something to all of your fans out there?''
I looked at Denis,he was thinking about what to say,when Ben spoke up
''If you have a pussy come see me if you have a dick go see these dorks.''

we laughed and punched Ben
''Thank you AA family for all your support,for accepting me and now Ess,and also our relationship,thanks for coming to see us and for the gifts,and for YOU to be here with us,we love you!'' Said Denis
''Thanks for joining us for this interview,we hope we will see each other soon'' said Kelly
''I hope so hehe'' said Ben with that pervy face

/Skip to when we already arrived back to the bus/

''It was a good interview'' Said James
''Yeaah it was I enjoyed it'' I said
''see, I told you it will be alright''
''Yees'' I said and hugged James

''Okay lads we have 2 hours till the show,what you wanna do?'' Denis asked
''go out,walk around warped,check backstage and stuff'' said Ben
''...does it mean we have to see that fucker again?'' asked Cam
''Sadly,yeah'' said Ben

''well ,let's go dorks'' I jumped up of the sofa and grabbed denis' hand

we grabbed our jackets and walked off the bus and walked around warped a bit,then we went backstage to check stuff
we greeted our crew members and Ben asked one of our merch girls
''Hey,Brittany,where's Dan?''
I shocked down for a moment hearing this name,but then I thought hey,there are others named Dan right? relax
''back there,food section'' the girl pointed behind her back and walked back to the merch tent

we walked to the food section,when I saw a boy,he looked so familiar to me...

and when he turned to face us,I almost choked

''Hey guys,good to see you,Ess'' he looked at the guys then at me, i squeezed denis' hand


/End of Chapter 23,Next soon/

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