"Okay." Mike goes to the kitchen and I change out of my clothes into my blue sweatpants and purple shirt. I go to the couch and lie down. I think about what I ate over the past couple days. No seafood no meat, all I have eaten is pasta, bread, cheese some grapes, bananas apples, nothing that could have been rotten. I pick up the remote and turn on the television. I scroll through our many channels that we have click on Singing in the Rain. This movie brought back many memories. This was the first movie we watched together. We watched it on our first date, the day he proposed, and our wedding night.

            We are also going to watch it on the night our first child is born, but that has not happened yet. We have always wanted to have children and we have tried many times, but it has not happened yet. I hear the kettle boil and I see Mike pour the water into a cup. He comes over sits down next to me. He smiles and says,

            "Well it seems we will both be stuck on this couch a lot "

            "Yes, we will."

            I scroll through the upcoming movies and it's all classics.

            "Well at least we will be kept busy," Mike chuckles.

            Mike and I love classic movies. It is another thing we have in common. Mike gets up again and gets my tea. He pours some cream and sugar into the cup and stirs it. He comes back and hands it to me. I take a sip and I begin to feel better. Its vanilla green tea my favorite, I smile at him. I drink some more and watch the movie. My eyes begin flutter and I begin to feel tired I place the cup on the table and close my eyes.

            When I awake, the credits are rolling and Mike is staring down at me.

            "Well hello sunshine you went out like a light you must really not be feeling well."

            "Oh yeah I guess so."

            I sit up and I fell 100 percent better I yawn, stretch, and say,

            "Thanks dear that tea really helped."

            Then I peck him lightly on the lips and snuggle him.

            "Well that's good."

            "What's the next movie?"



            "Yeah, anyway I am kind of hungry are you hungry cause it is a little past lunch time?"

            I yawn again and say,

            "Yeah I am hungry too."

            Mike gets up, goes towards the kitchen, and opens the refrigerator. He pulls out some grapes and places them in a bowl. He carries the bowl and hands it to me. Grapes are my favorite and they are his favorite too. Sometimes it is just scary how we are so alike. Mike sits next me and we begin watching the beginning of Casablanca. I eat most of the bowl and hand them to Mike he finishes the rest of them. I feel tired again and I close my eyes.

            I wake up again, the sun has almost set, and the end credits of Casablanca are rolling. Mike is again staring at me from above smiling.

            "What is wrong with you," He chuckles.

            "I have no idea."

            I sit up again, stretch, and yawn.

            "It's eight I have already ordered a pizza and it should be arriving momentarily, so I was just waiting until you awoke ,so I could leave without you worrying."

            He taps my nose ever so gently as he finishes his sentence.

            "Well thank you and you can leave now since you are so worried about the pizza." I say in a sarcastic tone and I give a smile.

            "Okay then do not fall asleep because I am not going to bring my keys and I need you to open the door okay."


            He gets off the couch and kisses my forehead then leaves. As I stare blankly at the television I turn it off and remember our first date. It was at his house and his parents went to go get pizza. We were alone and we were watching Singing in the Rain when he went to go get something. I was sitting there awkward and not knowing what to do. Then he comes out with a small box, but not just any box a Tiffany blue box. He asks me to stand up and I do. He then gets down on one knee and opens the box. I was in shock. It was a simple silver ring with a small diamond in the center. He then said,

            "Now Shirley I love you and this is not a full proposal or anything all I am asking if you could wait for me."

            "Yes yes yes!"

            He placed the ring on my finger and we kissed and hugged. We sat down and I asked,

            "When did you get this?"

            "Well it's my mom's sort of she gave it to me when I announced that I was dating you. She said that if I gave it to you that I would promise to be true to you. She said it was her promise ring when she was your age when she started dating my dad. So, I thought that this would be the perfect time."

            I kissed him again and then his parents came back. That night and every night since then has been the happiest night of my life only because Mike was there. Then I hear a knock at the door. I go over to the door and look through the key hole. It was Mike. I open it and he goes to the kitchen and sets the pizza down he opens the box and grabs two plates. He places a piece on each plate and hands one plate to me. It was a pepperoni pizza again both our favorite I go towards the couch and sit down, he comes over with his plate and sits down beside me. We smile at each other and start watching the middle of Roman Holiday.

            We watch the rest of the movie in silence and we finish the pizza. When the credits start to roll, Mike finally says,

            "Shirley I love you and I am sorry about his morning and I know you worry about me every second of every day and I just wanted to say that I am sorry."

            "Hey, it's okay you did not get hurt, but you could have and that's why I was angry. I am sorry too."

            "No, it is not okay I made you worry and I hate it when I make you worry."

            "Hey," I grab his shoulders, "It is okay."

            "Okay, I am pretty tired now do you want to get to bed."


            We go in our bedroom, climb in our bed, and cuddle up close together. I sigh and he sighs, and then I slowly fall asleep.

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