Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Samantha. Hey SAM!" I heard someone holler at me. I almost jumped out of my seat. I began to breathe heavily as Peter touched my arm gently. I jumped again. He laughed. "Aunt May brought us food. Alleluia!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then there was coffee in my hands. 

"Thanks Aunt May." I told her with a smile. Peter gave me his adorable smile and sat next to me rubbing my arm. 

"Do you like coffee Sam?" He asked me obviously still high. 

"Coffee makes everything better under any circumstances! Of course I love it!" I told him. Aunt May came and sat down in front of us. Peter, without even knowing she was there, pulled my face towards his and kissed me. It was a slow kiss and he ran his fingers in my hair. He then pulled away and I blushed a little shocked. Aunt May's mouth was nearly on the floor. 

"Peter!" She yelled while crossing her arms. She then looked at me. "Do you think-"

"He's still high on pain medicine? Of course!" I giggled as Peter leaned into my shoulder. Aunt May sighed and handed me my subway. I thanked her and hugged her. She then left for the washroom. Without noticing Peter fell asleep. I caressed his cheek and kissed him softly. I pulled out my book and began to read. When Aunt May came back I stood up and hugged her. "Hey, Aunt May, can I um...go back to the house to grab some of my things?" I asked her. 

"Of course Sam. Here are the keys and just so you know, tonight Peter comes home so you dont have to bring anything too major okay?" She then smiled and walked over to Peter's bed side. I kissed Peter's head and headed home. 

Once I got to the house, I ran upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone, my sketch books, and some drama notes to read over. I then began walking out when I heard Peter's radio on in his room. I went to go turn it off but was shocked as to what I saw. Harry. 

"Hello...SAM!" He told he with hatred in his eyes. 

"Harry." I stuttered backing up. He stood up and grabbed me by my arms. "Harry! How did you?" 

"Escape? I killed some NYPD officers. Nothing too surreal!" He spat in my face. I cringed. He then let go of me. "Currently I'm injured because...of...YOU!" He snarled licking his teeth. "So I won't attack. But I'll give a warning. If you wish to stay safe, leave this CITY! OR I'LL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND FEED IT TO PETER MYSELF!!" He said smashing Peters window and grabbing me. I screamed and gripped on to Harry as tightly as possible. He hovered me above the ground outside of the window. One wrong move, and this would be my fate. 

"Harry. Please don't do this!" I spat at him crying for my life. He pulled me back into the room and threw me at Peter's closet door. My broken leg didn't help enough. Pain shot through me and I screamed. I then looked up, and to my surprise, Harry was gone. I stuttered trying to catch my breath and grabbed my phone. I immediately called Peter. Hopefully he was no longer on drugs. Two rings and it picked up.

"Sam?" I heard his sober voice.

"Peter. Where are you?"

"I just got released. My spider venom made my cuts heal. I'm fine Sam where are you?" He asked me.

"Come home. *Sobs* Please Peter." I said as I heard Peter talking in the phone. I dropped my phone from my hand and began to cry. Eventually all went black and I could see nothing.

I woke up to someone holding me in his arms. I opened my eyes weakly and saw Peter. He was smiling when I awoke. I then jumped. 

"WHERE IS HE?!?" I screamed gripping Peter tightly. 

"Where's who?" He asked me. I jumped up and pointed at his window and at my leg. 

"HARRY!" I spat. "He's still pissed off at me!" I told him trying to stand but failing. Peter then handed me a crutch. "Where'd you-"

"The hospital gave it to me. But I don't need it so-" He stammered off. I laughed then sighed. I looked back over at Peter's window. It was fine. 

"The window. It was...destroyed how-"

"Sam. I think you're in shock. Just...calm...down." He told me pulling some of my hair out of my face. I sighed and nodded. I then kissed him gently. Aunt May ran into the room. 

"Samantha! Are you okay what happened?" She yelled. Peter explained everything and Aunt May sighed. She then went downstairs to make dinner. 

"Hey whats for dinner?" Peter yelled down the stairs. 

"Spagetti and Meatballs." Aunt May replied. Peter scoffed and groaned in disgust. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"Spagetti and Meatballs? Again? UGH!" He groaned. He then sat down on the floor and smiled at me. "Hey sam?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He told me as he smirked. I smiled at him and giggled a bit. 

"You have beautiful am I?" I said thinking about his answer. Peter stood up and turned on the song "All I want" by "Kodaline". He then grabbed me by the waist and began to dance with me. I rested my head on his shoulder as he whispered into my ear.

"The most beautiful girl I have ever lay eyes upon." He told me softly. I chuckled a bit and looked him in the eyes. I bit my lip and whispered.

"And you're the most amazing person I've ever met Peter Parker. I Love You." I told him as I hugged him tighter. Peter kissed my head. 

"I Love You too Samantha Kasey." He told me swaying back and forth. The song ended as a new one played. "The Girl" by "City And Colour" began and I smirked once it began. I had learned to play both these songs on guitar when I was little. I then closed my eyes, singing quietly as Peter kept me close.

I had never felt so happy in my entire life. But I was with Peter, and that's all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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