Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

When I woke up next, I was alone. I sat up and looked around. Where was I? 

"Peter?!" I yelled hoping he was in sight. No answer. "Peter where are you?!" I screamed again. I tried to get up but felt no strength within my legs. I fell back down. I groaned in pain and realized a bump in my knee and was curious enough to touch it. Bad idea. "URGH!" I hollered in pain. I sighed and noticed I wasn't in the city. I was surrounded by sand. Lots of sand. I then heard a chuckle. It sounded oddly familiar yet evil. I looked up. There was Harry with a smirk. A deadly smirk. I noticed Peter's mask in his hands with blood on it. Tears filled my eyes. "W-What did you do to him Harry? Please...WHERE IS HE?!" I hollered. He then licked his lips. 

"Well see for yourself little missy." He spat throwing the mask into the sand. There was a red figure. It was him. It was Peter. 

"PETER!" I hollered trying to move. The pain was running through my whole leg now and I screamed. Soon the sand around me began moving. I toppled forward and grunted in shock. A man appeared behind me. I remembered this man and looked as he glared. I began sobbing. "Please...PLEASE NO!" I began trying to fight my way over to Peter. Harry widened his eyes. 

"Well well. Look what the cat dragged in. Who the hell are you?" He spat. Wait...did Harry not gang up on us? What? The sandman turned back to sand and formed around me. "Hey buddy lo-" Harry spat but was interupted by a large rock hitting him in the face. I gasped as the sandman began lifting me and Peter in the air. 

"No NO! PLEASE STOP NO!!" I hollered trying to move but was unable. The mans face appeared as he sighed. 

"Stop moving. I'm helping you." He told me. I stopped. 

"Why?" I asked quietly. The man sighed and floated towards the hospital. 

"My daughter is sick. That's the only reason I robbed banks and tried to attack spiderman." He told me with hiccups in between. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I'm sorry for what I did." He said landing on top of the hospital roof. He dropped of Peters bag too which I don't know how he got but what ever. I then realized, he wasn't a bad man. 

"You're very kind. Thank you." I told him. He then flew away. First of all I put Peter's clothes over his suit so they wouldn't know his secret identity. I then called 911 and they came straight away. Turns out I broke my leg from a fall I took? I don't remember but I believe that's what happened.  All i knew was that Peter was unconscious laying in a hospital bed, and there I was. Waiting for him to be alright. A hand touched mine and I noticed Peter was awake. "PETER!" I hollered as I hugged him. He gasped in pain and I let go. "Sorry sorry." I weeped. 

"Hehe it's okay. What happened to your leg? How did we escape Harry?" He asked me with his adorable smile. I smiled back at him. 

"Someone helped us out. He was made of sand and-" 

"Wait...SANDMAN?!" Peter hollered making me jump. He sat up like a stick and then winced in pain. I pushed him down and told him to calm down. I explained all that happened and then he sighed in relief. He hugged me and then looked confused. "Wait where am I?" He giggled with a smile. I sighed and faked a smile towards him. He must have realized something was wrong because he stopped smiling and touched my arm gently. 

"Your in the hospital." I reassured him. Peter sat up again wincing in the pain. I started to push him back down but he refused. 

"Thanks for helping me out. Are you okay?" I nodded and kissed his head. He then began to play with my hair and Aunt May rushed in. 

"Oh Peter! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" She screamed running towards him. He did look pretty beat up. He had cuts on his face and chest which continued to bleed. He also had a black eye. He laughed. 

"Someone was beating up a bunch of kids so I went to help them." Peter told us as Aunt May sighed. "Hey Aunt May do you mind maybe getting us some food?" He asked. 

"Of course! Sam you want some too?" She asked me with a grin wider then the sun. She was beaming with happiness today. 

"Sure. I'd love a subway if possible, with some coffee?" I asked her curiously. She smiled and nodded. As she left Peter leaped up and hugged me tightly. I giggled. "What got into you lately?" I asked Peter as I tried to turn around and face him. He eventually let me go and laughed. I sat in front of him and cocked an eyebrow. Peter then smiled. 

"Nothing." I glared at him. "I SWEAR! Nothing's up." I then stared him dead in the eyes and got closer. Peter backed up. 

"Whats wrong with you?!" I yelled. Peter and I then got shushed by a nurse. We began to giggle quietly. Peter then sighed. 

"Whens your birthday Sam?" He asked me. I was so confused. 

"May 20th why?" I asked him. He smiled even more. 

"What day is it today?"

"The 19th wh-OH! Its my birthday tomorrow!" I hollered. He smirked. "That's what you wanted me to know? Why are you giggling?" 

"Because you still haven't realized why I'm laughing!!" He screamed as he burst out laughing. I was beyond confused now. "I'm laughing because I dont want you to know SOMETHING!" He hollered again. 

"Okay are you high on drugs or something?" I said worried. 

"No! WHY?" 

"STOP YELLING!" I hollered. He then giggle as I did too. 

"Look who's talking." He whispered. That was it. I stood up on my good leg and Peter did too. He began to run around the room and I laughed. He then shot a web at a vase smashing it to pieces. We stopped laughing and looked at each other. He then sat back down in his hospital bed and pursed his lips together. "Don;t tell anyone that was me." He told me laughing. I then took a deep breath. 

"Okay crazy monkey. I'll be right back." I told him crutching my way out the door. I went to the nearest nursing table and asked what was on my mind. 

"Um... room 201, Peter Parker. Yeah is he on pain medicine?"

"Yes why? Does he need more?" The nurse at the desk asked me concerned. 

"Oh no he's fine. Just wondering thanks." I said laughing. I knew it. Peter isn't usually this stupid, I mean he's stupid, but not this stupid. I then went back into his room and he was out cold. He had fallen asleep. I laughed as I sat down in the chair beside his bed laying my crutches on the floor. I held his hand and realized it was ice cold. Must be because of the medical bags. I then closed my eyes as I fell asleep as well. 

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