Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My eyes weakly fluttered open. I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my room, but I wasn't outside. I looked around even more and froze when realizing I wasn't home. I sat up slowly and felt pain in my head. I groaned and shut my eyes. Soon enough, the door opened. I looked up and saw Peter. Was I in his room? He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey how are you felling?" He asked me sitting down on the bed beside me. I widened my eyes realizing that yes I in fact was in his room, in his bed. I tried to speak but remembered last night.

"Good. My head hurts." I admitted squeezing my eyes shut. Peter touched my head and stood up. He left the room and returned a minute later with an icepack. He gently placed it on my head. "Thanks." I responded. Peter sat down once again and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Sam, what happened last night?" He asked me concerned. I realized it was morning. I looked around and squinted.

"Spiderman...h-he is real! I saw him! He saved me from that man!" I hollered and stood up all too quickly. When I stood on the ground I wobbled and fell straight into Peter's arms. Peter looked down at me and placed me on his bed again. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah. Since I take pictures of Spiderman I know him pretty well. I don't know who he truly is but, he did save you last night. As soon as I heard what happened on the radio I sprinted down to the street to make sure you were okay. I got there just as you fell and Spiderman caught you with his web. He came to the ground to see if you were alive and alright when I stepped in and grabbed you. I thanked him and he was off." He told me tightly gripping my hand. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Thank you. Now does my mom know I'm here?" I asked him concerned. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah she's down stairs. I let you sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch downstairs."

"Thank you Peter." I said as I kissed his cheek gently. Peter smiled with a small blush. I stood up slowly with Peter helping. We walked downstairs and while there my mom ran up to me and hugged me tightly. She mumbled so much I couldn't even understand. Finally when feeling better mom was about to leave when I stopped her. " I staying here?" I asked. She looked at Peter who was staring off into space.

"If you want. I trust Peter." She said stepping out the door. I smiled and walked slowly up to Peter. He hugged me without even letting me know what was happening. We walked into the kitchen as aunt May served us lunch. It was so good to finally eat something. Once done, Peter ran upstairs and told me to follow so I did. We went to his room and sat down while we just chatted. Peter sighed then looked me in the eyes.

"Sam...I don't know why because I just met you yesterday, but when I saw you falling I was scared out of my mind. I was freaking out and was so scared I'm telling you." He said as our heads rested on each others. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"You know're the only friend I've ever had. Besides my dad." I admitted to him. Peter smiled and lifted his head off of mine. We faced each other and smiled. "I feel we are going to be best friends." I also admitted. Peter grabbed my hand in his.

"Same. Now how about going for a walk?" He said his cheeks bright with red. I nodded and stood up. We said goodbye to aunt May and began our walk to the park. Once again we chatted, and it seemed like we knew each other for years. As Peter and I got to the park we sat down just to laugh and be us. He was in the middle of laughing when all of a sudden he stopped. He looked around and seemed rather scared. I grabbed his arm.

"Peter. Are you okay, you seem really scared." I told him as he continued looking around. Peter looked me in the eyes and and faked a smile.

"Yeah I'm...fine. Hey I'm just going to go to one of those stored real quick. I have to go to the washroom. Be right back. Maybe you wanna start heading home?" He told me as he stood up. I furrowed my eyes.

"I'm not going home. I'll wait for you." I stated. Peter looked at me and glared.

"I'm not joking Sam...go home!" He screamed as he backed up looking in the sky. I shook my head and stomped after him.

"Peter! No way in hell am I going home without y-" I began but was cut off by being lifted in the air. I screamed and tried to squirm out of this things grip but couldn't.

"SAM!" Peter screamed as I was pulled away from him.

Not again! I thought.

This time I was right in front of Peter so no way he'd get away from me. I turned to look at this creature and widened my eyes. He had green veins popping out of his neck and face, his teeth were a terrible black with green goop dripping out, and his hair was pushed back into a spike. He glared down a Peter and snarled. He then rapped his arm around my neck, causing me to choke.

"Peter Parker...long time no see old...friend!" He spat as he tightened the grip on my neck. I began to loose consciousness and choked immensely. Peter stood there shocked.

"Come on Harry, just-just put her down! Okay?" Peter told this 'Harry' as he stepped forward. Harry snarled even more and dropped me on the ground. I coughed trying to earn air. Before I could even look Peter grabbed me and ran. I was in his arms when Harry came up behind him on his glider thing and pulled him back. I fell face first on the ground. Harry looked down at me and smirked revealing his ugly set of teeth.

"Leave him be! Take me instead!" I screamed. I looked around the sky trying to spot Spiderman but there was no one there. Nothing there.

"Sam just run!" Peter hollered while receiving a punch to his face. I screamed and ran up to him. Before I even knew what I was doing, I jumped onto Harry and attacked him. I punched him once resulting in him dropping Peter. Peter jumped to his feet and glared. Harry stared down at him and chuckled.

"If you want your precious girlfriend back old friend," Harry began by stabbing slowly and painfully a knife to my cheek, "come and GET HER!" He cackled flying high up into the sky I couldn't even see Peter anymore. He went to the top of the Oscorps building an threw me to the roof. I slammed on the ground coughing and began to cry. This was the end. Harry pulled me up from my hair as I screamed so loudly my throat hurt. I sobbed and looked into this demons eyes slowly. He barred his nasty teeth.

"Hey!" I heard from the roof top. I turned my head to look up and noticed someone standing there.


I smiled as I was once again thrown to the roof. Harry smiled. I never stopped looking at Spiderman and my smile grew wider. Harry then looked at me and grabbed me again. This time I was directly in the face of Spiderman.

"So great of you to join us..." Harry began as Spiderman looked at me. I still knew that voice from somewhere. Spiderman removed one of his gloves revealing his bare hand. He then touched the side of my face. I knew that touch that voice! Where? Suddenly he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Sorry you had to find out this way." My mind finally put all the pieces together. I gasped. Harry continued what he was going to say.

"Peter Parker!" Spiderman removed his mask and glared at Harry. It was him.

It was Peter.

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