Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Peter tell me everything that happened to you!" I hollered as I ran to my door. I swung it open and sprinted into the bathroom grabbing a first aid kit and then gathered all the supplies.

"Well I can't tell you when you're so far away!" I heard Peter yell into the hallway. I then heard him groan again in pain as he continually held his injured stomach. I sprinted back to my room slamming the door shut and grabbed rubbing alcohol. I opened the bottle and Peter's eyes widened.

"Sorry." I spoke pressing my teeth together.

"No no no! NO NO NO NO ARGH!" Peter screamed as I poured the rubbing alcohol on his stomach and chest. I then grabbed a towel and began to clean up all the blood. Peter kept screaming out in pain and shut his eyes. Eventually his bleeding stopped, and he stopped screaming. I rapped a band aid around the wound trying not to let my tears spill. I failed. Peter the rubbed the tears away from my eyes and smiled. "Hey what's wrong Sam? Don't cry it's just a cut." He spoke softly shaking his head. I grabbed his shirt and handed it to him as he continued to smile. He threw his shirt on and sat up. He then hugged me tightly. I let the tears escape.

"Don't you ever get hurt again! NEVER! I already lost my dad I can't loose you too." I said sternly my face shoved into his chest. Peter rubbed my back and shushed me when I kept babbling over and over again. I finally calmed down and Peter continued to rub my back. As We hugged and cuddled I heard the front door open and shut. My eyes widened with delight. I jumped up out of Peter's grip and smiled. Peter stood up and looked like nothing even happened. I was happy. Without realizing what I was doing I ran up to Peter and kissed his cheek. I then bit my lip when I saw how rosy his cheeks turned. He rubbed the back of his neck and grabbed his school bag which he had brought with him. The one that was stuffed. I then smiled. "Ooh! Home Ec project! Let me see!" I whined almost like a baby. Peter smiled and put his bag on the bed.

"Okay fine. I hope you like it." He then zipped it open. Peter pulled out this giant teddy bear with emoji fabric and a purple moustache on the face. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth with my hands. I loved it. It was stitched so perfectly. I squealed and jumped a bit.

"Oh my god Peter! It's adorable! Wow! How long did it take you?" I asked as he handed it ti me to hold. I squeezed it and smiled.

"About a month and a half, then it got graded. I got an A, don't deserve that though." He giggled sarcastically. I gasped and punched his arm lightly. Peter shook his head while giving me and adorable smile.

"You do deserve an A! actually you deserve and A+! Dude this thing is perfect! Looks like you got skills in sewing more then foods." I joked nudging his side. Peter looked at his feet and rubbed his neck. He then laughed silently and continued grinning.

"Thanks I'm glad you like it because,'s for you." Peter admitted as he continued to blush. I widened my eyes and looked at Peter.

"Really?" I asked him in shock. Peter nodded and crossed his arms. I then squeezed and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Peter. I love it." I said as I pulled away and looked in his eyes. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." The two of us said in sync. We then looked at each other and giggled. My mom came in.

"Hey Sam-oh! Peter hello. How are you?" She asked him smiling. Peter shook her hand and hugged her.

"Great thanks Mrs. Kasey. Oh and I hope you don't mind Sam invited me for dinner." He spoke softly. My mom shook her head.

"Oh no problem Peter. You're welcome anytime." My mother said smiling widely. She then looked at me. "You guys okay with chicken?" She asked me as she began walking out the door. I looked at Peter and we both nodded.

"Yeah chicken would be nice. Thanks mom." I said smiling. My mother then looked on my bed and noticed the teddy bear.

"Where'd you get that?" She asked me pointing at it. I looked down and then at my mom.

"Peter made it for me in Home Ec." I told her as Peter hugged me from behind.

"Yep." He grinned so much the weakness in his eyes showed again. My mom looked at it and nodded.

"Cool. Hey dinner will be ready in an hour okay? I'm just going to go to the grocers to get some ingredients." She said going down the stairs. I nodded and replied an 'okay' along with it. Peter and I then looked at each other smiling. We got up and went downstairs.

"Mom. Peter and I are going to go for a walk." I said grabbing my coat and shoes. My mother nodded when my brother came into view.

"Can I come with you?" Michael asked me giving me the puppy eyes. Before I could reply, my mom did so for me.

"No sweetie. You can come with me though. I bet Peter and Sam want some alone time." She said winking at me. I smiled and went up to Peter.

"See you soon Mike. Love you." I told him as I kissed his forehead. Michael replied with and ew and stuck out his tongue. He soon left along with mom. Peter and I headed out towards the park, where we could be alone,  and could talk about photography. I know right. Peter and I are really boring people.

But I loved that about us. I also love my best friend in the whole world...

Peter Parker.

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