Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As school was over I waited for Peter outside the front doors watching a bunch of kids get on the bus. I stared down at my phone and looked at pictures of the two of us and laughed. We never took good pictures, they always turned out as either one was blinking, or someone sneezed, or we just felt like being ugly and make weird faces. I then felt fingers crawl up the back of my neck.

"Hellooooooo Samantha!" I heard Peter say in a creepy demon like voice. I giggled and shook my head. I'm friends with this dork. I turned around and smiled.

"Hi." I giggled as I looked at Peter's backpack. I furrowed my eyes as I saw his bag was stuffed full and looked as if something were trying to escape it. I then looked at Peter. "Peter Parker. What have you trapped inside your bag this time?" I asked him grabbing his hand to walk. We sometimes held hands, and I always enjoyed it.

"Nothing important just, a home ec project." He smiled. I looked up to the sky giggling and shaking my head. I then looked at him as he continued to laughed quietly.

"Do I get to see this project?" I asked him as he looked at me smiling.

"Maybe...not now though." He said as he swung our hands arms going above our heads. I giggled and looked at Peter who immediately stopped. Furrowing my eyes I looked at him. He then began to mumble. I heard only half of what he was saying but tried to put the puzzle pieces together.

"No...won't listen...find...where she'll be safe...can't loose...again." Is all I heard I furrowed my eyes as Peter smiled but obviously faked it.

"Peter? You okay?" I asked him as he continually looked around worried like.

"Yeah I'm fi-hey why not go get some coffee? Want coffee of coarse you do come on!" He shouted his voice cracking a few times. Before I could protest Peter roughly pushed me towards a coffee shop be had walked by and did it asap. I didn't let him stop though. He then pulled out his wallet and bought me a drink because obviously he knows me so well he knows what I like.

"Peter you're not buying me a drink." I spat. Peter shook without even knowing so. When my drink came he handed it to me firmly and hugged me tight. I patted his back and awkwardly sat there. He then pulled away and smiled.

"I got to go for a second so stay here okay?" Peter told me. I noticed he had a few tears in his eyes but I shrugged it off my shoulders.

"Peter I'm not just going to st-"

"NO!" He shouted as more tears spilled. I now got nervous. People started staring but I didn't care.

"Peter what's wrong?" I said quietly. Peter grabbed my head with his hands gently.

"Just stay her and be that?" He whined. I was about to protest, but then I looked at them. Deep into his brown eyes I stared and then swallowed so I wouldn't say nothing. I then nodded.

"I don't know what the hell you're doing but stay safe Peter! Or else..." I told him. I then hugged him as tightly as possible and he returned it. He then pulled away and grabbed the sides of my head again.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." He said smiling his actual smile this time. Peter then pulled my face to his and kissed my cheek. After doing so, he stepped back and ran outside. I was so nervous for Peter, because I didn't know where he was, but I still was quiet and I stayed put, and sipped at my coffee. Of coarse I was blushing because...hello! Peter Parker my best friend/crush kissed me! Well...sort of. Does cheek count? I don't know what ever. I still liked it. Even though Peter told me to stay put, being the terrible friend I am I walked to the glass doors to look. He was out of sight. I sighed and waited, waited for my best friend to return, but my thoughts were soon interrupted when a crash was at the door. Glass smashed everywhere and I widened my eyes. Spiderman and a giant lizard like thing was there, and it was trying to kill Spiderman. Spiderman came up to me and he look at my eyes.

"Get out of here okay go-!" He hollered as the lizard grabbed him. I screamed and did as told. This happened to me before so I knew to trust this mad man named Spiderman. I couldn't wait any longer, I ran away. I ran my way home and called Peter as soon as I entered the house. It rang and two rings later he picked up.

"Hello?" I heard.

"Peter I-what's that noise behind you?" I asked him as I continuously heard screams growling and punching. Peter then screamed in a painful way. I widened my eyes. "PETER!" I hollered. Peter immediately screamed and then I lost the line. My best friend was in trouble now and I had no idea where he was. I ran back out of the house to the city trying to find Peter but had no luck. The lizard ran away though, and Spiderman swung away. I then walked hime alone, trying with all my might to contact Peter. Eventually he picked up.

"Hey Sam I-I need to s-see you..." He spoke softly almost in a sigh. I replied a yes indicating for him to come over and waited. Later in my room there was a knocked on my window. Peter was there smiling weakly.

"Hey. How on earth did you get up here Peter? And why not use the door?" I giggled as he still smiled. I noticed a small cut and bleeding scabs on his face and immediately pulled his face towards me to examen. "Peter! What the hell happened to you?!" I hollered pulling him inside. Peter stepped softly almost falling over and was clutching onto his stomach.

"I got-UH-got caught in Spidey and-UH-THAT THING!" He groaned as pain surged through his entire body. He fell onto my bed and I immediately sat him up receiving more groans of pain from him. He continued holding his stomach and whined at the pain. He continued to groan and scream.

"Peter let me see the wound." I snapped trying to pry his arms off of his belly. Peter shook his head.

"No you'll get worr-"

"PETER! DO THIS NOW DAMMIT OR I'LL MAKE THE WOUND EVEN MORE PAINFUL!" I hollered scaring Peter. He pulled his hands away and I yanked off his shirt. What I saw made me gasp. He had a huge cut across his chest and stomach...

and it was bleeding.

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