Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sam's P.O.V

I ran down a hallway trying to escape Oscorp. Yes I know Peter told me to stay there could I? I was so nervous. My peter could be injured or even killed and I can't have that! I'm not losing another. Not him too. Especially not Peter. While running someone bumped into me, leaving me to drop all of his papers on the ground. 

"I'm so sorry!" I hollered picking up his things. When I did I handed it to him but noticed his hands. His hands were greenish black and had veins bursting out of his skin. I stopped as he pulled the papers away. I looked up and saw his face. I knew this face. It was Harry. That guy who tried killing Peter. I looked in his eyes with terror and he seemed to not remember me. How hard did he hit his head? How hard did I hit my head? How do I still remember?! As he walked away Peter called me. Harry stopped a head of me and stood completely still. I grabbed my phone and backed up slowly. "Hello?" I spoke quietly as I answered. 

"Sam! Oh thank god! It's Harry! Th-the guy is Harry and he's in Osco-"

"I think I've already established that!" I quietly yelled into the phone. As I looked up Harry was staring right at me. I then put my lips to the phone. "He's looking at me Peter. Get here now." I spoke. I then hung up not even waiting for Peter's response. 

"Samantha! I remember you." Harry snarled with his sharp, ugly, green teeth. I put my phone in my pocket and backed up slowly. 

"H-Harry! How great s-see you haha!" I faked. I then looked to my side and noticed a lighter on someone's abandoned desk. I looked over at Harry who hadn't moved. 

"Ah is it? Because I distinctly remember someone, oh and I mean YOU, using a tranquilizer gun on me. And then throwing me down to the cops. He stated taking a step. I stepped towards the lighter and grabbed it. Harry looked down at it. "HehehehahahahHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Harry began to laughed as I held tight on to it. Where the HELL was Peter?! Harry stopped laughing then smirked. " You really think a crummy lighter is going to stop me? HA!" He spat. 

"Nope." I smirked lighting it. "But it'll slow you down!" I shouted pointing it to a smoke detector. The lights suddenly went out and water splattered down onto us. I didn't look behind me as I sprinted for my life. I then heard the window crash. Peter must have been here. I finally looked behind me and noticed Harry was gone. I hid inside a janitorial closet and stayed quiet. For some reason this closet had an opening in the back too. Suddenly the window smashed again as Harry came in on his glider. I bit my lip as I tried to stay quiet. He walked past me by the closet and continued looking around. I closed my eyes as I calmed myself. Harry went around the corner and disappeared. I sighed quietly, and closed my eyes in relief. I felt a cold breeze behind me and remembered the doors.  Soon a hand came over my mouth and an arm rapped around me. I tried screaming but got shushed. Who shushes someone when they are about to kill them! I then realized the hand was a red glove. I looked to the side and realized Peter had snuck in and pinned himself against the wall with me as a shield. Suddenly Peter let go of his grasp and I turned around to face him. I rapped my arms around him and hugged him. 

"How've you been?" Peter asked me in a quiet joking tone. I gave him the "seriously?" look and clenched my teeth together. 

"Where the hell have you been?" I whispered.  Peter looked at me and took off his mask. 

"Oh I'm sorry I was saving peoples lives!" He said with a grin. I shook my head and looked out of the peeping holes searching for Harry. 

"Well at least you weren't chilling out drinking coffee or something!" I giggled. I then heard and smash. I grabbed some spray from in the janitorial closet and held it tight. 

"What are you doing?" Peter asked me with a laugh. I held the lighter up in front of the spray. Peter then smirked. "Oh. Smart." He whispered. The shadow loomed over the closet and I could hear Harry laughing. Peter kissed my cheek. "You spray this if he opens the door, I'll go out the back to attack him once you've distracted him." He whispered to me. 

"Yeah yeah just go!" I hollered pushing him out. The shadow then opened the closet door as I screamed and held down the button. Flames flew into Harry's face as he held it with a scream. Peter came up behind him and rapped him up in web. Harry clenched his teeth and snarled trying to fly away. He fell off of his glider and it flew towards me. I took in a deep breath and remembered my gymnastics days. I then opened my eyes. I jumped into the air flipping my body upside-down as I did a backflip. The glider flew under me cutting of a tiny tip of my hair as it smashed into the wall behind me. I landed from my flip thanking God it had worked. Peter grabbed me arm and pulled me into his embrace. 

"You know what comes next." He told me with a laugh as I widened my eyes. He then picked me up and threw me out the window catching me with his web. I swung there waiting as I noticed police underneath me with a net. They told me to jump, so I pride the web off of me and screamed as I began to fall. As I saw the ground getting closer to me I felt something grab my waist. Or should I say someone. Harry pulled me into his arms as I screamed being lifted higher and higher into the air. I mumbled to myself crying, screaming, and kicking him as Peter swung behind us. 

"Oh will you shut up?" Harry snapped as he smacked the side of my head. Everything went dark after that. 

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