And We Will Drive To The Stars

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AN: OMG I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a terrible updater. It has been months and I feel awful :( I just lost all inspiration to write and I've had a pretty crap few months so writing hasn't been at the top of my list :(

But I want to say a MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE THANK YOU to all of you that have voted for this story and the amount of reads is through the roof for me, I never expected to get this far. And it honestly means the world to me so thank you!!!! Each and every one of you are beautiful and amazing and just incredible!!!!

Okay so I have a little request....... can you guys please go and check out my new story Save You Tonight and tell me what you think of it?????? It would mean the world to me

On with the story. The chapter title comes from Stand Up and I'm sorry it isnt more interesting, its just an average chapter but it isn't last there is lots more to come!!!!!

I just wanna dedicate this to my best friend from school Danni, she is going through a rough time and I hope things get better for her.

Also I wanna say thank you to Leah, thank you for being there for me.

And thank you to Lydia, you are the best and thank you for also being there for me.

Okay so on with the chapter!!


~Kat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Louis' POV

I waited outside The Nexus Art Cafe for about an hour before I actually needed to but I was really nervous about seeing Melissa again. She had been part of so much of my childhood, someone that I told everything to and someone that I had never fallen out with. So I was delighted when 11:00am came and I saw her strolling up the street wearing some skinny jeans and a jumper, a smile bright on her face.

"Lou!" She called when she saw me and her pace quickened to reach me.

"Hey Mel." I replied when she got to me. She beamed and flung her arms around my neck, pulling me into her embrace.

"I missed you." she told me sweetly.

"I missed you too, I'm so happy you are here." I chuckled, pulling away from her. "How was your drive up here?"

"It was good. There were a few traffic jams on the motorway up here but aside from that it was good."

"That's really good." I smiled, "Shall we go in?"

"Yeah sure." she answered and then we both made our way inside and found a table and ordered two diet cokes. "So how are you Lou?" she asked when we were settled.

"I'm okay, better than I was." I replied happily and the smile on her face increased.

"That's good, you seem a lot happier than you were when I ran into you at Harry's flat." she commented and I blushed at the thought of how happy Harry was making me feel.

"He's so nice, all the boys are. I feel like I belong with them, like I can be myself." I explained honestly.

"I suppose Alex didn't let you be yourself?" Mel quizzed, taking a sip of her drink.

"I had to do everything he wanted and if I didn't he would hit me. If I wasn't up to his standards then I would pay for it." I saw Melissa visibly cringe at the mention of what her brother did to me. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it."

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