I Am Coming Back For You

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Well I said I would upload today and I have. Sorry this is just a filler chapter but the next chapter will be REALLY important and I can't wait to write it :) but your next update won't be until next week because I am away camping from tomorrow onwards! sorry guys.

On a way more happier note............... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! I'm soooooo excited!! I'm gonna be 17!!! Btw for any of you that read this in the future, tommorow is May 29th. OOOOOOOHHHH SUPER HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

Right onwards and upwards!! This chapter is the first from Niall's POV! I hope to do more from the other's POV in the future as well.

There is a little warning for this chapter. At the end there is a kind of smutty scene. Don't worry it isn't sex but there is a little thing but it isn't described in very much detail at all but I thought this would be a good time to mention that there will be smut at some point in this story. Just saying......

The title of this is from Back For you.....if you didn't already guess!

Hope you like it

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I love you guyssss

~Kat x


Niall's POV

Louis and Harry had decided to go out for the day into Watford to buy some stuff for Louis considering he couldn't keep wearing Harry's clothes. I felt so bad for Louis with what he had told me this morning about his nightmare about Harry. He felt so ashamed of dreaming that Harry would hurt him but I honestly did understand. I felt the same when I had the dream about Liam hurting me but I realised that it was just my imagination running in overdrive.

Me, Liam and Zayn decided we would do some shopping of our own. I had already got Liam's present a while back so I only needed to get Zayn's, Harry's and Louis'. We were now walking around the shops in Watford looking to get different things. Liam and me unfortunately couldn't walk hand in hand incase anyone got the idea that we were together and it was killing us both. Zayn was walking in front of us, his eyes sweeping across the shelves, probably looking for something for Melissa.

Liam brushed up against me and I turned to him.

"You okay?" he whispered.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"You're awfully quiet." he pointed out. "Is it because of what happened with Louis?"

"I guess." I replied shrugging. "I know what he is going through and it kills me to see him suffer like I did. I feel that because I know what it's like, I should be able to help him but I know that I can't. The most any of us can do is reassure him that he will be okay. But I know that saying that isn't always enough."

"Oh Niall." He siged and slung his arm around me. I snuggled into his grip. "Louis will be okay. I mean look at you now, you pulled through and so will he."

"I hope so." I mumbled.

"Guys." Zayn called to us, coming over. "What do you think Louis would like for his birthday and christmas?"

"I have no idea." Liam answered.

I thought for a moment before answering. "Well why don't we get him something he will need, considering he is basically starting fresh."

"How about a phone?" Zayn suggested.

"That's perfect! We could get him an i-phone for his birthday and a load of covers for christmas." I added.

Would He Love You Like I Would? (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora