Would He Love You Like I Would? (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)

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AN: So this is my first proper story (well that I'm counting - the one I took down doesn't count) that I am uploading and I hope it gets the same support that my One Shot book is getting, because that support is just incrediable.

This is quite a hard hitting fanfiction and there is language and mature themes running through it but I hope that doesn't stop you guys from reading.

Please tell me what you think of it and I may upload the rest, depending on the response I get from it.

So I hope you like this, oh and incase you guys didn't know it's a Larry Stylinson story and it's a proper fanfiction, not a One Shot. And if you guys keep reading you may find another couple in the next chapter.....but you will just have to wait and see XD

So enjoy.....................


Chapter 1

Louis' POV

The small cafe that I was stood in buzzed with the gentle sound of background chatter. I looked around to see happy couples sat, laughing and joking over cups of coffee and muffins. They were smiling and giggling, the women blushing at the cute compliments and flirty chat up lines that the men were saying and the men were beaming at the adorable responses they were getting from their partners.

I sighed at the thought of a 'happy relationship'. I was in a relationship myself, but it was far from happy. My partner, Alex, treated me like a punchbag most of the time. Yes, Alex is a boy. I am openly gay, although my family didn't like that and chucked me out when I came out to them, so Alex is really all I have got but I just want to get away. Fat chance of that happening!!

I heard the sound of the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction playing in the background. I smiled at the tune and drummed my fingers against the fabric of my jeans in time to the catchy beat. I like that song. Heck, I liked One Direction. Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and of course Harry Styles. The four boys who I counted as my idols, my role models, the four boys I would kill to meet. I'm not going to lie, I had a very soft spot for the green eyed boy with the soft curls and dimples. There was just something about him that intrigued me.

I waited in the line that I was in for another few minutes before my order was called out and I collected it and headed back to the flat that me and Alex shared in London. It was only a short walk back but I cherished every moment of the safety and peace that I got from it.

When I reached the flat I had to use my own key to get in, knowing that if I made Alex answer the door for me it would most likely end in a beating, although that would probably happen anyway.

I slid the key into the lock easily and turned it, pushing the door open and walking in while I carried the drinks and muffins in the other hand, trying desperately not to drop them, knowing that dropping them would also end in a beating from Alex.

I walked into my flat and placed the food and drink on the coffee table in the lounge and then cautiously made my way up to my room where I knew Alex would be waiting, no doubt still in bed.

I nervously knocked on the door before pushing it open and walking into our bedroom. Alex was sat up in the bed on his phone.

"You took your time." he growled as soon as I had stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry there was a big queue." I replied, trying to stay calm.

"That's a pathetic excuse!" he spat, throwing his phone down on the bed, standing up and striding over to me. Alex was slightly taller than me and much bigger build, he would work out at the gym atleast once a week and also kick-boxed. Before I knew what was happening his hand had drawn back and then connected with my cheek, making a loud slapping sound as it impacted with my flesh. I stumbled back and reached my hand up to caress the tender skin on my cheek. I felt tears come to my eyes but I didn't dare say anything, knowing that I would end up with more bruises if I did.

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