Chapter Twenty-five - The Plan in Action

Start from the beginning

"I'm a photographer," he lied. "Lingerie models mostly. Which was one of the reasons I assumed you were in the business. You have great bone structure," he said turning her chin in a way that caused her to have to look at him.

Desire played in his eyes and she realized instantly she was in over her head. Fear gripped her heart as to what she should do next.

"That outfit is sinful," he told her running his hand down the length of her exposed back and he pulled her stool closer towards him. Shocked and appalled she whirled on him.

"I did not give you permission to touch me," she told him positively fuming with anger.

"That outfit is invitation enough," he told her running the back of his hand down her exposed arm. "You really can't flaunt yourself like that in front of a man and not expect him to want to touch what is so teasingly tempting right in front him," he told in a husky tone right before pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

Lanie struggled against him but she was no match for his strength. She thought to scream, they were after all in a very public place when suddenly she was free.

"Get your hands off of my woman!" James said planting a strong left hook to Wesley's jaw knocking him from his stool. In one fell swoop, he managed to hit him and safely stash Lanie behind his back for protection. Just in case.

"James?" Lanie said his name barely above a whisper too shocked and admittedly relieved he was here to save her.

Realizing Wesley was down for the count, he turned away from him, giving his full attention to Lanie. "What were you thinking?" he growled grabbing hold of her and shaking her.

Tears of embarrassment stung her eyes but she glared back at him defiantly. "What do you care? And for your information I'm not your woman anymore!" she fired back at him.

"To hell, you're not," he told her before crushing her to him. His kiss seared her lips leaving her breathless when he pushed her away from him again. "We're going to bed."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," she said, furious at her own vulnerability to him. His words striking a match that lit her up with desire for him.

"No?" James asked, fixing her to her spot with his gaze. He nodded decisively and then picked her up fireman style and tossed her over his shoulder.

She meant to protest but he had knocked the wind from her lungs and before she realized what was happening someone had handed him her shoulder bag as he was carrying her out of the bar followed by a round of applause from the patrons.

"Put me down," she demanded, pounding her fists against his back but he didn't even flinch. "Not to worry, babe. I'll put you down," he said angrily punching the elevator button. He stepped inside. Lanie felt humiliated being carried thought the hotel in such a cavemanish fashion.

He got his keycard from his pocket and hit the button for his floor. Once the elevator's doors opened he stormed with her to his room, opened the door and plopped her on the bed. Returning back to the door to lock it.

James came back to her and offered her a hand up, heaving her to her feet.

"Thank you," she said as she smoothed out her dress. James knew she spoke from good manners and upbringing, because if looks could kill...

James took hold of her arms. "Listen to me because I am only going to say this once."

Even though he knew it was Wesley when he had seen that bastard manhandling her in the bar something inside of him snapped. The jealousy he felt tore through him in a blinding rage but now he had to switch gears if he was to convince her that remaining with him was a good idea.

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