Walk in the Park

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Yet again, a short chapter.

Third person

It was a very chilly and late night. Josh and Simon decided to have some time together alone in a place and time where and when no one would go: the park. It was hard to see, even though the street lights illuminated (no pun intended) some light in the resting place.

The two boys, now with their beanies and hats on, walked along the dirt path holding hands. Near them was a little bench facing a small pond. They sat down on the bench, still holding hands and Josh leaned his head on Simon's. They stayed like that for a few peaceful minutes, and for once, there was nothing to wprry about. Until Simon got a text message.

"Who the fuck is texting me?" The lanky boy muttered.

Josh looked over at Simon's iPhone and back up to his face. He knew Simon hated it when people interrupted any type of needed moments. But there really was nothing Josh can do about it. Except when he holds Simon's hands and grips them tight.

"Who texted you Si?" Josh asked.

"JJ. I don't know what the fuck he wants right now." Simon replied.

"If it's food just ignore him. We have a lot of food at home." We both laughed.

Simon then looked back dwon at his phone and back to Josh.

"He was asking where we went."

"Didn't we tell them that we were going to the park?"

"You know JJ. He easily forgets. And he also asked us to buy some pizza."

"Oh jeez. Typical JJ."

They then went silent again and enjoyed each other's warmth in the cold night. Josh pecked Simon's cheek and gazed at his beautiful face. Then Simon kissed back, just enjoying the love he had for his boyfriend and the love he gave back.

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