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Warning: it's short and there are some "cringy" parts. 😂


I woke up, and I immediately felt a major headache.

DAMMIT! Why do I have to be sick?

I didn't even want to try and get up. Because I already know that I'll most likely vomit or just collapse onto the floor.

And then I remembered Simon could help me out. I felt very weak, but I was eventually able to text Simon.

'Hey babe. Feeling very sick and can't get out of bed. Can you help me out?'

He then immediately replied.

'Aw Joshy. Don't worry I'll be down in your room in about a minute.'

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least there's someone in the house that can help take care of me.

Just then I heard the door open and Simon entered the room with some food *sigh of relief*. He then sat down next to where I was lying down.

"Aw Joshy. What happened?" Simon touched my forehead.

"I don't know. I think it was from the bad sleeping schedule." I replied.

"You'll get better babe. And I'll be there to help you feel better."

"Aw. You're definitely the best boyfriend I could ask for."

"Same to you." We both laughed.

He then laid down underneath the covers beside me and scooted close.

"You know I don't care if I get sick. As long as I'm with you, I'll be a very happy man." He kissed my neck.

I turned my head and smiled at him. "You're so adorable. That's one thing I like about you."

"If you say that's one of the things, then what are the others?" Simon laughed.

"You're so nice, your dimples make you look even cuter when you smile and you care for other people than you do to yourself." I touched his cheek with my warm hand.

Simon took my hand away from his face and put it in his.

"I mostly care for you Josh. Because you're a beautiful boyfriend a guy like me could ask for. And I love you wwwwwwaaaayyyyy more than that."

Our heads then touched and we gave each other a quick kiss before falling asleep with our hands still interlocked.

Minizerk One Shots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now