The Very Best...Boyfriend

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Honestly I'm feeling mixed emotions. I was SO CLOSE to meeting Vikk at Santa Monica Pier, but I JUST HAD TO GO HOURS before he went there. That was honestly my only chance and I wrecked it by going in the day 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Btw I'm back in school now, so there will be very slow updates.
Thank you WroetoShmoo for the head cannon ideas 💛 (those head cannons were just👌👌👌)

Head cannon: one goes out and the other texts and calls (well, sort of. You'll get what I mean)

I really need to stop using those parentheses.

Sorry to those who don't like Pokemon Go, but I just had to.



I woke up feeling empty. I tried to cuddle Simon in my bed, but he wasn't there. 

Where did Simon go?

I got out of bed to grab my phone to check the time, and I see a sticky note on top. I took it off my phone and read it.

*Hey babe. I hope you had a good sleep. Don't worry about me. I just went to Central London with Tobi and the others for Pokemon hunting. If you want to come join us, text me and we'll meet you wherever you want to meet. I LOVE you xoxo.*

I chuckled at the note and put it back on my desk. Grabbing some clothes, I headed straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Once I was finished, I got out, changed into some casual clothes and grabbed a quick breakfast before walking out the door of the house. I then got in my car and headed straight towards the station (A/N is it train or tube station in the UK? Cuz in America we say subway or train station)

Before getting on the tube/subway, I was texting Simon about my arrival.

J~ hey babe. I miss you.

S~hello to you too. I miss you as well. Where are you now?

J~ 🎵 where are you now that I need you? 🎵

S~I should've expected that

J~no but seriously I'm getting on the subway to Central London.

S~ how do you have WiFi underground? Whatever. I'll see you soon.

J~alright babe. i love you!

S~i love you too! Get here safely!

At that I got on the subway and went off to Central London.

*time skip of ride brought to you by #instagramdaddy*

*time skip of ride brought to you by #instagramdaddy*

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I got out of the tube and walked out of the station. Quickly remembering, I started texting Simon to where I was.

J~ hey Si. I'm outside the station now.

S~ sweet! So where do you wanna meet?

J~ meet me at Leicester Square. I'll be waiting nearby the restaurants.

S~ thanks Joshy! See you in a bit!

At that I walked towards Leicester Square, trying to hatch my Pokemon eggs as I moved along. It was probably a bad idea to be walking in a busy place by myself and vlogging. Sooner or later I found myself at my destination and waited nearby a Pokestop whilst waiting for the others.

"JOSH! JOSH!" I hear familiar voices calling out my name. I look up from my phone and see all the Sidemen except JJ (he was visiting his family+he doesn't play Pokémon) and the two Cals walking towards to where I was.

"I'm honestly surprised you decided to come with us." Tobi laughed.

"Well first off, Simon invited me. Second of all, I wouldn't want to miss a day with my brothers." I smiled. "Speaking of which, where's my boyfriend?"

At that I felt someone, most likely Simon, on my back.

"I'm surprised you actually didn't want to stay in at home." Simon laughed. "Well, not like you'd want to take care of the house by yourself."

"I only left because you weren't in bed with me." Everyone awed at the cuteness.

"You cheeky man. But that's what I love about you." He then kissed my cheek and I blushed a little.

"We shouldn't just stand here talking! We have some Pokémon to catch!" Freezy said, breaking the little circle. We then walked around Leicester Square until we could find no more. Then we walked to Central London.


"Hey Si. I found a high level Seaking." I told him.

"Why do I need to know?" He asked, trying not to offend me.

"Cuz you're the king of my sea." I laughed, making him cringe.

"That was awful but cool at the same time. But if it was called heartking, would that mean I'm the king of your heart?" He smiled making me smile as well.

"You're already the king of my heart and the love of my life."

"Awwwww." He cooed. "I love you Joshy."

"I love you too babe."

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