Thorpe Park

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Holy 💩 over 100 views on the second week?!?! Thanks I guess. Lmao I'm still on the second chapter which took me like two weeks.

I only took inspiration for this just because it was Tobi's birthday a while ago and they all looked like they had fun. 💙


We're at Thorpe Park today hanging out for random reasons. I guess because we just wanted to get out of the house just because we barely go out.

None of the other Sidemen know that Josh and I are in a relationship. We'll just keep it a secret until we feel comfortable to tell them. We were behind the whole group, our hands linked together and my head on his shoulder. We made sure no one could see us holding hands, not even the fans.

"C'mon guys!!! Let's go on Swarm!" Ethan yelled, looking back at us.

We quickly had to let go so we didn't look suspicious and so Ethan wouldn't say anything uncomfortable for the two of us. He then turned around and walked straight. Josh and I quickly interlocked our fingers again. I didn't like it when I couldn't hold his hand. I just felt empty without him in my life.

We finally got to the line and there was no way Josh and I could hide our "interlocked hands" in this crowd. People would just give us weird looks for sure.

"Babe don't worry. We can hold each other's hands when we're on the ride." Josh told me in my ear with a calm tone without looking suspicious, again.


It felt like years when we finally got onto the ride. Josh and I sat sat next to each other in the same row. When we were fully seated with the brace (or whatever that thing is that goes over yoyr head) down, we quickly held each other hand's tight, like one of us would fall off all of a sudden.

"Babe I'm scared." I told Josh.

"You can do this Simon. You've ridden this many times before. There's no need to be scared." Josh then kissed my cheek to make me feel better. I just smiled at him.

"Did you know every word you say makes me feel better?" I told him.

"Yeah, but did you know I love you with my whole heart?" He responded.

"No, you love me more than that." We both laughed. The ride then started and I held Josh's hand tighter. Well, if that was possible without hurting him.


"Awesome!!! As always!" I yelled.

"Of course it would be! It's Swarm!" Tobi replied back. I just laughed and looked at Josh.

"You ok babe?" I asked him.

He smiled. "Of course I am, especially around you." I can tell he was so tempted to kiss me right then and there, but of course, we're not out to the world yet... YET.

💩😂 i don't even know anymore. It's hard for me to write romance stories for some reason. Lmao.

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