“I’m sorry,” He giggled, “I’ll wait till we’re on the plane to tease you, I promise.”

“Screw you,” I muttered as I stepped through the metal detectors.

We grabbed lunch in McDonalds, and ate it while waiting outside our gate.

“So, how are you feeling?” Alex asked as we sat down. He plonked my suitcase down in front of him and used it as a footrest.

“Good, I guess,” I paused, “Um, glad to be leaving. Staying in Summerfield is... tedious.”

“You don’t like it much?”

“No... It was different back before Jacob-” A lump in my throat cut me off. Alex glanced at me, but said nothing.  

“I was talking to Aisling about whether you’d like to stay for Monday too? I mean, you’ll be missing a day of school, but-”

“-I’m sure I can find some way to live with that,” I laughed, then frowned.


“Oh, nothing, just... Well, aren’t you recording again on Monday? I don’t want to get in the way, that’s all.”

“In the way of whom?” Alex challenged, the sides of his lip curling upwards.

“You know. You. The band.”

“You’re really worried about that? Finley. First of all, we hardly do anything in the studio anyway, it’s mostly just Jack being an idiot and everyone else laughing at him.”

I laughed with him. “I just-”

“You’re worried that they won’t like you?”

I hung my head. “Sort of.”


He laughed. “That’s ridiculous. They’ll love you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I know them. Jack is my best friend; I’ve known him since I was, like, fourteen.He loves everyone. Literally. The only reason he won’t like you is if you’re a dog. And Zack is awesome.  As trustworthy as fuck, you can tell him anything. He might seem like an ass at first- I don’t know, sometimes people think that- but he’s just a little introverted, that’s all. He says stuff when he wants to, don’t think he’s ignoring you or anything. And you’ll like Rian, everyone does. He’s a really nice guy, you know? And I think Matt will be there too... Just don’t say anything anti-Disney, and you’ll be fine.”


They called our flight, and I followed Alex onto the plane. I liked flying. I spent the journey peering out of the window, looking at all the toy houses and cars below. Alex glanced at me often, amused by my childishness. He was used to flying, and soon settled beneath his beanie and dozed off to his iPod.


His Range Rover was waiting in the airport car park for us. I piled my stuff into the trunk, then hopped into the passenger seat beside him. The sky was beginning to darken around us; street lights were switched on, the evening star hovered just above the clouds.

“Are you hungry?” Alex asked, “We can stop for food if you like.”

“No, I’m good,” I replied, “So, how far away is this famous house?”

He chuckled. “About half an hour. You’ll love it, I promise.”

We were both tired from the long journey, so we mostly just listened to music. Being in a band, Alex had his contacts, so he’d received the new Tonight Alive album before the release date. Complexes was my favourite track so far. I could relate to it.


It wasn’t long before we were driving parallel to the ocean. The view was amazing, and I gazed out of the window for most of the journey. It was beginning to get dark, the sea turning a deep navy colour, the reflection of the moon dancing upon the waves. The A/C prevented me from smelling the salt, but as I thought about it, I felt like I could taste the cold, refreshing waters.

"It might be a bit too late to swim tonight," Alex said, watching me, "But if you like, we could go down in the morning."

“Yeah, okay,” I said, “That sounds like fun.”


We pulled up outside the house, and I couldn’t help gaping at it.

“Wow,” I exclaimed, “Wow, that’s... wow.”

Even in this light, it was beautiful.The outside walls were magnificent blocks of pale cream, although on the bottom floor a lot of the walls were taken up by huge glass windows. The front garden was mostly gravel, with a few trees lining the walls. From where Alex had parked the car, I could see part of the back garden, which seemed to be mostly just a field. I could hear yells and the thuds of a football hitting the ground. On the second story, there was a huge balcony that looked out onto the sea. I could smell a barbeque coming from it, hear laughter.


I heard the thud of the trunk closing behind me, and I jumped. Alex chuckled at me.

“I have your bags,” He said, “Come on inside.”

I followed him towards the front doors, suddenly realising that I was about to meet Alex’s best friends. If they didn’t like me, no doubt they would convince him not to adopt me. And I would be completely and utterly alone.


“Hello?” Alex yelled as he got inside. He dropped our baggage on the floor, and shut the door behind me as I stepped inside. “Anyone home?”

It seemed like there wasn’t, at first, until we heard thumps coming from the stairs. A tall, skinny, black and blonde haired thing tumbled towards us, clutching onto Alex.

“Baby, I missed you,” He mumbled into his hair.

Alex rolled his eyes. “Get off me, Jack,” He said, struggling to detangle himself.

“Fine,” He sighed. Jack stood up, and his puppy brown eyes immediately found mine. “Oh my God!” He said, raising his caterpillar eyebrows, “Finley!”

I felt him wrap his arms around me squeezing me tight. He was nearly a foot taller than me, and even bending down my head didn’t even reach his chin.

“Sorry about that,” Alex said dryly, “He’s a hugger.”


Jack released me grinning. “We’re going to have so much fun this weekend!”

“Is anyone else here?” Alex asked him.

“Yeah, everyone is!” He said, “Rian and Cass are on the balcony, and Zack and Matt are playing football in the back. We were considering going out, but we couldn’t miss the arrival of the princess.”

“Who’s the princess?” I asked, before frowning. “Oh...huh. Nevermind.”

“Come on,” Alex said, taking my hand. “Let’s go meet the gang.”

A/N- I am so so so so so sorry it took a month for me to update this. Being back at school has got me extremely busy, so expect irregular uploads. Hopefully quicker than this though. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Comment, vote, follow! PS. If you have any suggestions, ideas or criticism I'd love to hear it, I'm trying to improve my writing skills :) X

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