Diamonds (36) [Part one]

Start from the beginning

" Shut up." He mumbled


"Drew!!!! " I exclaim

" Vampire!!" He hugs me spinning in a circle.

" You could stop now." I shout.

He puts me to the ground then sizes me up.

" There's something different about you." he started to tap his chin. " I just can't figure it out."

"You're an idiot." Maxi says pushing his arm and hugs me. "congratulations baby. Hope you can tells the boys."

"They could wait." I said.

She laughed shaking her head. "You must be crazy. My brothers were hysterical when they found out about Drew. Giving him a baby, they'll lock me away forever."

"That's what I'm afraid of, I can go on forever." I joked.

" please, I ain't scared of yo damn brothers for nothing." Drew announces.

"I should give them a call." I say taking out my phone.

"No!" he snatches it out my hand putting it in his pants.

"Drew, that gross."Layla mutters.

"I don't care, she was gonna call them stupid motherfuckers for my ass." he screams.

" Just, shut up for two seconds." Layla mumbles hoping in the van.

"We've traveled a lot this year." Maxi says.

"Its been fun though." I tell her.

"If you say so." she gets in the cat and Drew in tow.

"Ready to go?" Royal ask kissing my cheek.

"Yup. can't wait." I mutter.

He puts me in the car. Seriously, I got two legs and can walk fine. Then buckles my seat belt.

"I wanna be mad at you for not letting me walk, but then again, I'm too tired to give a fuck." I mumble.

He chuckles starting the car. "I wouldn't want you mad at me anyway."

" Whatever wolf boy." I close my eyes, falling asleep.


" Wake it up!!" I heard Drew yell.

"You stupid motherfucker, you can't be waking her up like that, she pregnant and needs her sleep." Layla hisses.

" Best friend is pregnant? Is that why Big head wouldn't let me see her?"

"Big head?" Royal ask.

"Well duh, she doesn't need to be all over the place with you." Maxi explains.

"Big head?" Royal ask, again.

" Guys, I'm up. Chill." I say giving them A wide smile.

"Sorry."Drew mutters.

He stares at my belly than back at me. "you could touch it." I tell him.

"Yes." He exclaims under his breath.

He rubs my stomach wide eyes. " Hey babies, it uncle Drew." he coos.

"Guys, we gotta go. we've been parked in front of his PAC, house for about an hour now."

"Alright, let's go." I hop out the car.

there waiting in front of the pack house was Alpha Anderson, and his Luna. His beta was to his right and third command. They smiled at us as we got out the car. Royal came up to my side smiling and grasp my hand to hold.

"Alpha Anderson." Royal says as we approached them.

"What's up man, long time no talk." Anderson says smiling back at him.

"I know, but your call got me here." Royal smiles.

"Good."Anderson smirks shaking his head. "This is my mate Katherine, my beta, and third command." He introduced.

"This is my mate, Nicki, my beta couldn't accompany us, but my third command is with us." Royal says.

"Um, quick question." I said.

"Oh goddness."Royal mutters.

I elbow him. "Hus up." I turn to Anderson and smile. "what's the name if this pack?"

"The Night Warrior Pack." he says.

i look at Royal and smirk. "Idiot."

"Kiki, we need your help!! Drew is stuck in the car." Maxi comes to my side grasping my arm.

"He's stuck? Drew is a big boy, plus he's internal, he could help himself." I say.

"Um, not really. He got his hand stuck in the door, and it won't open."

"Even better, we'll ditch the car."I exclaim.

"I thought that was your best friend."Royal says.

"Guys!! We are here as guest, and wasting time because of Drew." I shout frowning.

a small left comes from behind me, and we the to the Luna of the other pack. "No worries. Your rooms aren't quite done yet, so take all the time you need."

I tilt my head to the side as I watch her. it seemed that she wasn't looking at either of us, which was kinda weird. "she's blind." Royal said through mind-link.

"Oh. thanks then." I mumble.

once I reach the car, I see Layla panicking, face blue like she's about to hurl everything she jut ate. Drew who looks bored and watches Layla rolling his eyes.

"I can't believe you idiots." I mumble.

I grasp the door and watch everyone else. "Could you fuckers HELP!!" they all scramble to open the door and it swings off and flies down the road.

"Now, we're missing a door. Can I sleep now?"


alright guys, that was only part one.


part one of, um whatever the hell chapter is going on lmfao.

okay, um read @SharafAktar story, Bind Luna because I collabed with her in this chapter and the next chapter.

I'm not sure I'd this is long or not because using my tablet is like so bum my beyond this point in life lol.

So yeah, next chapter either Wednesday or next week (:

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