"THAT" moment

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You know that moment when you can just feel everything falling apart well im having that moment in my life i just found out that my mom has a heart tumor and she wont rest and take it easy like her doctor tells her to and i cant really make my self feel anything because i feel that after everything thing shes put me through that maybe this is karma she recently had 6 seizures in one day and me and my youngest sister had to help her through it and everyone she loved and cared for where there and she did this thing that just broke me beyond repair she reached for my hand while my sister was talking to the paramedics and she called out her boyfriends name and said i want luther and i just had to stop myself from crying and just walk away from her i still stayed on the scene just as far away as i could get and still help and not only that but i had to help my sister through a major panic attack on the way to the hospital and she passed out barely breathing and my moms boyfriend was the one driving us there and he didn't care he just dropped us off at a hospital and left us to go see my mom in another hospital and we had to find a way back to that hospital and we stayed all day and all night to see her and take her back to the shelter without eating and as soon as she was discharged she asked for him again am i a bad person for not caring


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