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Happy fucking new year it's been awhile this I gonna be quite a contrast from what I last wrote last time I posted something it was all optimistic and cute but now I couldn't care less what happens to me it's been months since we've been homeless and so many things have gotten fucked up my grades have gone to an all time low I don't get to see my nephew any more and my dad's in the hospital probably dying because of everything being added on to his stage 4 renal failure everything has has gone wrong and i don't know how it got this way I've never been suicidal and I'm still not just everything would be better if I was either dead or sent somewhere else where I don't have to see all these things I've always been the one to make a joke about everything and help everyone else through the problems but I can't even seem to be happy for longer than a few minutes without everything come crashing down on me I'm done with dealing with these problems everyday and acting like it's okay because it's not and i swear I'm trying so hard to go on but I don't think I can do it anymore so forgive me if I finally give up on this life i really am sorry for everything i did or didnt do just forgive me......I'm sorry
Yours for now,


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