Story /A/N

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Hey it's been a while since I''ve wrote but my life's been hectic anyway there's a story that I want to be written but I can't write it here's a little idea

A story about a boy and girl it shows them before they met and after it shows their hardships and their relationship that every girl wants but the story has a twist the boys telling the girl their story while she's on her death bed I don't want it to be in flashback form I want the boy to tell the story so it doesn't show it's in past tense and I want it to make people cry

There are no specific people I want them to look like and theres no way I want the story to go as long as it doesn't show it's in past tense I only have a few things  here they are

1.) I want to get rough drafts of the story

2.)I want to see the people they are based off

3.) I also want to get credit if the story either gets popular on wattpad or by a 1 and a million chance that it ever gets published into a book which I doubt will happen
Message me some one who could possibly write it


Forever yours ,


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