He hit something solid and went down.

"Ow. What the -"

Seb looked up to find what he had hit.

Oh no. She's cute.

"Holy shit. I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright? Here, let me help you up."

Seb extended his hand to her, getting a funny feeling bout her.

She reached her hand up and grabbed his. Mumbling 'thanks' as she got up. Her stuff was scattered everywhere. Seb started picking up papers and supplies that had settled within his reach and as they picked up all the loose pages, he was going through his mental notes. He got a better look at her as she stood up, flustered from the cold and tumble.

'Oh my god. It's her, the cute costume designer. FRuck.'

He stood, still as his mind as it processed something smooth to blurt out.

Her blush got redder as her eyes took in who he was. Shit, wait did she even remember him? It was a long time ago.

Let's start with giving her back her stuff.

"HeRe yOU go. Sorry about, again. I should've been more careful." Alright, gotta land now,.... or never, "Maybe I could take you to dinner, make it up to you, Y/N?"


She took her pages and pencils back, feeling colder than the breeze, without warning.

"Thank you, but I'm going to pass on that dinner. I don't go out with people I only just meet."


"Ahh. You're going to turn down this face." Seb turned that smile upside down, with as much drama as he could, and doing that thing with his eyebrows, making his best attempt at an adorable puppy dog face. Her face crumpled like snow under the sun, breaking out in the most dazzling laugh.

Yes! A laugh!

She regained her breath, "Cute. But it's going to take more than that."

His face changed to mock shock, complete with a very dramatic gasp. "How did you resist? I've been told I have the best puppy face in the world."

With a chuckle to her voice, "I've been told that I have a heart of ice."

"Maybe if you let me get you some hot chocolate, it may warm up that icy heart of yours."

He knew he had her on that one, as no one as sweet and cute as her could resist hot chocolate in this weather. She scrunched her mouth up to the left, looking up to the sky, as if it held the answer.

"Fiiiinnneeee." with a dramatic sigh at the end. "You can buy me a hot coco."

"Marvelous! There's this really great hot chocolate cart at the entrance of this path. Let's go!"

He looped his arm through hers and the hot coco journey began.

Passing other youngins and couples on their own way out, as the sun had begun its exeunt stage west, Seb had to stop himself from bouncing straight up and down. He was finally talking to the cute costume designer! She! was! right! there! On his arm, on his freaking arm! And they were getting drinks! AHHHHHH!

She ordered a peppermint with extra whipped cream, 'because one can never have too much whipped cream' she declared, while Seb ordered a French hot chocolate. Once they got their drinks, she thanked him and began walking away.

Past regrets kept him from just letting her walk away, leaving it at nothing once again.

"Where do you live? I can walk you there." Sebastian offered as he jogged a bit to catch up to her.

"Is that an offer that is exactly what it seems, or is it a thinly veiled excuse to get into my pants?"

Cute, sweet and witty, Seb really was rly fucked.

Drawing on his acting skills, Seb mocked gasped, "I wait until at least the second date to go past first base."

"A true gentleman."

He chuckled, liking the ease with which they chatted.

"Seriously though, I just want to make sure you get home safely and maybe get your number."

"Well, good to know. The extra muscle is appreciated. I live a few blocks from here."

He continued talking as she walked up the stairs to her apartment. She stopped at the door, fumbling with...something? A book? Paper? A ripped piece of paper was soon shoved in his hand, with numbers scrawled on it.

"Give me a call so I'll have yours." she grinned over her shoulder as she unlocked her door, "See you tomorrow?"


"Sure. Definitely, yes. Can do! Will do that!"


She opened her door and watched as Seb retreated down the stairs, going in only when he had disappeared.

Soon as she had disappeared inside her apartment, he was texting Chris and Mackie,

'You won't fucking believe who I just ran into.'


Authors Notes:

Firstly, so sorry this took forever to upload. Every time I had the time to work on this, I had no inspiration, and then when I did get inspiration, I had no time. Then I'd forget about it for awhile. Life's great.

But it's now here! And since it's been a few years since I last updated here, the writing style is really gonna be different, hopefully a much better different though. And for the next few chapters I'll be doing little shout outs down here to some readers that helped remind and motivate me to get moving on the update.

@paranoid-person IT'S FUKING DONE BOO, LOVE YA BOO <3

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