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The challenger:

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The challenger:

It was January 28th 1986, The challenger was gonna take off that morning. The families sat down near the ship but not too close.

The time was ticking down on the big timer standing next to them. 7 People were getting on, one was a teacher who was supposed to go up in space.

The crew:
1. Francis R. Scobee
2. Michael J. smith
3. Ronald McNair
4. Ellison Onizuka
5. Judith Resnik
6. Gregory Jarvis
7. Christina McAuliffe (the teacher)

They got ready to take off, 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2...1....BLAST OFF

The gas turned on as the fire came out of the bottom. The arms of the holder for the ship unattached and the ship took off. Claps came from the crowd as the crowd watched closely as the Challenger took off.

Only seconds later did danger struck, the ship curved and then only seconds later claps stopped and silence filled the air, BOOM!!!! The challenger had just blown up in mid-air.

Everybody didn't know what happened, only seconds later did they know what had happened. Families hugged each other crying over the loss of their precious child. Children that  Christina McAuliffe taught started to figure out what had happened to their teacher.

Everybody was freaking out, the seven astronauts had died along with the ship being blown up. The solution, the night before the seal around the gas that would expand when they went into orbit froze.

30 years later everybody still remembers that day and that is why I am celebrating  Francis R. Scobee's 77th birthday. He died at the age of 46.


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